Traditional Chinese Medicines Baoshen Decoction
Release time:2024-09-15 15:24:06
Word Count:3331
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The kidneys are important organs in the human body, providing nourishment and nourishment to various organs. They are the foundation of the body's qi and have a warming and biochemical effect on various organs. If there is a deficiency of kidney yin, symptoms of yin deficiency and excessive fire may occur, such as restlessness and heat in the five hearts, hot flashes, night sweats, and nocturnal emissions; If the kidney yang is deficient, symptoms such as cold pain in the waist and knees, cold limbs, impotence, and premature ejaculation may occur. The deficiency of yin and yang in the kidneys can affect each other and cause a deficiency of both yin and yang. After reaching middle age, kidney function begins to decline. It is crucial to maintain good kidney qi in daily life. Below is a kidney preserving soup that can effectively regulate the kidneys, keep their function in a stable state, and prevent premature kidney failure.
【 Composition of Soup Formula 】
15g Goji berries, 30g Euryale seeds, 6g Cornus officinalis, 6g Cherry Blossoms, and one pigeon
Clean according to the above ratio, put the medicinal herbs in pigeons and boil soup
Analysis of Soup Formula
Golden Cherry Seed: Golden Cherry Seed has a mild qi, sour, sweet, and astringent taste, and a mild nature. It belongs to the kidney, bladder, and large intestine meridians, and has the effects of consolidating essence, reducing urine flow, stopping collapse, and stopping diarrhea. It is mainly used to treat conditions such as nocturnal emissions, slippery semen, frequent enuresis, diarrhea, and diarrhea.
Gallbladder fruit: Gallbladder fruit has a flat nature, sweet and astringent taste, and belongs to the spleen and kidney meridians. Therefore, traditional Chinese medicine often uses it to treat symptoms such as soreness and weakness of the waist and knees caused by weak kidney qi, nocturnal emission and slippery essence, as well as yellowish and dull complexion caused by spleen deficiency, reduced diet, and yellowish color, thick and fishy texture in women caused by dampness and heat accumulation due to spleen deficiency. Goji berries: Goji berries have a sweet taste and a neutral nature, with the effects of nourishing the liver and kidneys and benefiting the senses. They can be used to improve conditions such as lower back and knee pain, dizziness, tinnitus, impotence, nocturnal emissions, and blurred vision.
Shanyu meat is slightly warm in nature, with a sour and astringent taste. Return to the liver meridian and kidney meridian. Tonifying the liver and kidneys, astringent essence, and promoting detoxification, it has the effects and functions of enhancing the body's immune function, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, and antibacterial.
Pigeons are a type of meat rich in high-quality protein, with lower fat content than other meats, and rich in various amino acids that the human body needs. In addition, pigeon meat is rich in various minerals such as iron, zinc, and potassium, which help enhance the human immune system and maintain normal bodily functions.
【 Health benefits 】
Baoshen Tang has the effect of tonifying the kidneys and nourishing the kidneys. Drinking it twice a week can effectively enhance the body's immune function, resist aging, nourish energy and nourish essence, and provide the body with the necessary energy.