4 life-saving prescriptions that can bring people back to life in critical moments!
Release time:2024-09-16 21:53:48
Word Count:8334
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The traditional Chinese medicine practitioner said so
When it comes to "first aid", many people first think of emergency rooms, ICUs, surgeries, and so on. When it comes to traditional Chinese medicine, most people think of "diagnosing the pulse" and "regulating the body," so it is also known as "slow doctor.
But in reality, traditional Chinese medicine has left behind many emergency prescriptions that are very effective in critical situations such as myocardial infarction, pain, asthma, shock, and high fever, and can "revive the dead" in critical moments.
The most famous life-saving prescription is probably the Quick acting Heart saving Pill. This is a medicine for coronary heart disease and angina pectoris. It is a national secret formula, and it is also a life-saving medicine that is always available in countrymen. The annual sales volume in 2023 will be 57.76 million boxes. Taken in emergency situations, it takes 5-10 minutes to take effect and has created many stories of 'resurrection'.
Professor Zhang Chenggui, the inventor of the Quick acting Heart saving Pill, is a Chinese medicine expert who started learning and researching the theory of traditional Chinese medicine only after starting his career. She selected prescriptions from hundreds of blood activating and stasis removing medicinal herbs through animal screening, obtained scientific data through extensive clinical verification, and finally successfully developed the Quick acting Heart Saving Pill.
The prescription for the Quick acting Heart saving Pill is very simple, with only two ingredients: Chuanqiong and Borneol.
Chuanxiong has a pungent and warm medicinal property, which has the effects of promoting blood circulation, dispelling wind, and relieving pain. Borneol has a pungent, bitter, and cool medicinal property, which has the effects of opening the orifices, awakening the mind, and relieving pain.
Pairing two drugs fully utilizes the power of their pungent aroma to promote blood circulation, remove blood stasis, and relieve pain.
In fact, in addition to quick acting heart saving pills, traditional Chinese medicine has left many miraculous formulas for the world, which can be said to be the "key to saving lives".
1、 Angong Niuhuang Pill
Angong Niuhuang Pill can save time for patients with acute diseases, such as taking it during stroke coma or febrile convulsions, and can turn the tide.

*Experience Formula 8
Angong Niuhuang Pill
Ingredients: 30g bezoar, 7.5g musk, 30g turmeric, 30g cinnabar, 30g coptis, 30g gardenia, 30g realgar, 30g baicalensis, 30g buffalo horn, 7.5g borneol, 15g pearl
Method: The above medicines are ground into powder and refined into pills.
Function: Clearing heat and detoxifying, expelling phlegm and opening the orifices.
Indications: Used for fever, invasion of pathogens into the pericardium, febrile convulsions, and delirium; Patients with stroke coma, encephalitis, meningitis, toxic encephalopathy, cerebral hemorrhage, and sepsis exhibiting the above symptoms.
Usage: Take one pill once a day.

In May 2002, Phoenix TV host Liu Hairuo fell into a deep coma during a train derailment in London, UK, and was diagnosed as brain dead by a local hospital.
Subsequently, she was sent to Xuanwu Hospital in Beijing. During the treatment, she took a total of 7 Angong Niuhuang Pills, which played a crucial role in her fever reduction and recovery.
It should be noted that this prescription uses bitter and cold medicines, which can only treat the syndrome of middle wind heat closure, and absolutely cannot treat the syndrome of middle wind cold closure.
2、 Su Xiang He Wan
Angong Niuhuang Pill can only treat the syndrome of middle wind heat closure. What should we do about the syndrome of middle wind cold closure? Suhexiang Pill is a life-saving remedy.

*Experience based approach*
Suhexiang Pill
Ingredients: 30g Suhe Xiang, 30g Longnao, 60g Musk, 60g Benzoin, 60g Qingmu Xiang, 60g Xiangfu, 60g White Sandalwood, 60g Lilac, 60g Agarwood, 60g Piper Longum, 30g Smoked Lu Xiang, 60g Atractylodes macrocephala, 60g Hezi, 60g Stewed cinnabar, 60g Water buffalo horn
Method: Refining honey into pills
Effect: Fragrant opening, promoting qi circulation and relieving pain
Indications: Cold closure syndrome. Suddenly fainting, teeth tightly closed, unconscious
Usage: Oral administration: 1 pill at a time.

Suhexiang Wan originated from the "Guangji Formula" during the Kaiyuan period of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty. Its original name was "Nangga Wan", and it was included in the "Taiping Huimin Hezhi Bureau Formula" during the Song Dynasty. It was renamed Suhexiang Wan and has been used ever since.
The Musk Baoxin Pill and Guanxin Suhe Pill taken by patients with coronary heart disease and angina pectoris are both simplified and developed based on the prescription of Suhe Xiang Pill.
In addition to being an emergency medicine for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, Suhexiang Pill is also a classic prescription for the prevention and treatment of plague. In the "Diagnosis and Treatment Plan for Pneumonia Infected by novel coronavirus" issued by the National Health Commission, Suhexiang Pill and Angong Niuhuang Pill are included in the treatment of severe "internal closure and external syndrome withdrawal" drugs.
3、 Dachengqi Soup
When acute intestinal obstruction occurs, the intestinal tract is completely blocked. If not treated urgently, it can be life-threatening. At this time, using Dachengqi Decoction can turn danger into safety.

*Experience based approach*
Dachengqi Soup
Ingredients: 12 grams of rhubarb, 15 grams of Magnolia officinalis, 12 grams of Fructus Aurantii, 9 grams of saltpeter
Method: Junxia Hot Knot
Effect: Yangming organ syndrome, heat stagnation and adjacent flow syndrome, internal heat syndrome of heat, spasms or madness, etc.
Usage: Boil in water and take orally. Place rhubarb on the back and dissolve in saltpeter.

Dachengqi Tang comes from the classic Chinese medicine book "Treatise on Cold Damage" and is the most powerful formula used by Zhang Zhongjing to treat constipation.
The main purpose of Zhang Zhongjing's establishment of Dachengqi Tang was to achieve the goal of warming the lower part.
Junxia, also known as sudden and forceful diarrhea, describes the powerful ability of Da Cheng Qi Tang to attack evil and expel organs, and cleanse the intestines and stomach;
Hot knot refers to the presence of both heat evil and stagnation. Here, the stagnation is caused by the incoming heat evil, and the location of stagnation is in the stomach meridian.
Due to the transmission of substances in the stomach, it is not stored, and now there is a heat accumulation, which naturally leads to blockage and blockage, resulting in constipation.
The so-called 'Chengqi' refers to the qi that descends from the stomach meridian, which means sorting out the stagnant heat in the stomach and directing it downwards.
4、 Qingshu Yiqi Decoction
We mentioned this prescription a few days ago. In hot summer, if you work or walk outdoors for a long time, you are prone to heatstroke, and in severe cases, you may faint. At this time, using Qing Shu Yi Qi Tang is very beneficial.

*Experience based approach*
Qingshu Yiqi Decoction
Ingredients: 5g American ginseng, 15g Dendrobium officinale, 9g Ophiopogon japonicus, 3g Huanglian, 6g Bamboo leaves, 15g Lotus stems, 6g Anemarrhena, 3g Licorice, 15g Japonica rice, 30g Watermelon Cuiyi
Effect: Clearing heat and tonifying qi, nourishing yin and generating fluids
Indications: Heat, Qi, and Fluid Injury Syndrome
Usage: Boil 300ml of water until 150ml, then take orally.

The Qing Shu Yi Qi Tang was first introduced in Li Dongyuan's "Discussion on the Differentiation of Internal and External Injuries • Discussion on Heat Damage to Stomach Qi". Wang Mengying, a scholar of warm diseases in the Qing Dynasty, commented in his book "Warm and Warm Meridians" that Dongyuan Fang "has the name of clearing heat, but lacks the substance of clearing heat", and established Wang's Clearing Heat and Nourishing Qi Decoction.
Wang's Qingshu Yiqi Tang is similar to the Baihu Jia Ren Shen Tang in Zhang Zhongjing's "Treatise on Cold Damage", both of which have the effects of clearing heat and relieving heat, nourishing qi and generating body fluids. However, Wang's Qingshu Yiqi Tang is better for nourishing yin, nourishing qi and generating body fluids.