calming the mind, refreshinThe secret recipe of Zhou Enlais health doctor is now public!
Release time:2024-09-17 14:05:31
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This prescription was left behind by Pu Fuzhou, a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner and healthcare doctor of Zhou Enlai.
Mr. Pu is from Zitong, Sichuan. When he was young and studying medicine, he greatly admired a famous ophthalmologist in the county, Mr. Gong. In order to learn from Mr. Gong, Mr. Pu followed him tirelessly for several years. Gong Lao was deeply moved, so a few months before his death, he passed on the secret recipe of Jiuzi Dihuang Wan, which was used to treat internal eye diseases such as cataracts and conjunctivitis, to Pu Lao. Pu Lao recorded it in the "Pu Fuzhou Medical Experience Collection".
The formula of Jiuzi Dihuang Pill is reasonable and the compatibility is appropriate. I often use this formula to treat visual fatigue and achieve good therapeutic effects.
I once encountered a programmer patient who loved playing games. Due to his ability to code during the day and play games at night, he spent most of the day facing the electronic screen. He felt dry eyes, blurred vision, and sometimes even had ghosting when looking at things, which made him very troubled.
His symptoms are a manifestation of "liver and kidney yin deficiency". Long term overuse of the eyes has led to insufficient liver blood and inadequate nourishment of the eyes, resulting in vision problems. I prescribed him a prescription of Jiuzi Dihuang Pill.
After taking the medicine for a week, the programmer patient reported that their eyes were no longer dry and the heavy feeling of fatigue had disappeared.
In the digital age, computers and mobile phones are indispensable. Whether it's work, study, entertainment, or socializing, people are almost always staring at various screens. Over time, their eyes may experience symptoms such as dryness, itching, pain, and blurred vision, which is commonly known as visual fatigue.
Visual fatigue is related to liver blood deficiency, kidney yin deficiency, etc. Jiuzi Dihuang Pill is a classic traditional Chinese medicine formula that helps nourish blood, nourish yin and kidney. I think such a good prescription should be made known and beneficial to more people.

Jiuzi Dihuang Pill
*Experience based approach*
Ingredients: 60g of Rehmannia glutinosa, 15g of Cornus officinalis, 15g of Yam, 15g of Poria cocos, 15g of Alisma, 15g of Peony Peel, 15g of Schisandra chinensis, 15g of Goji berries, 15g of Shayuanzi, 15g of Cassia seed, 15g of Celosia seed, 15g of Celosia seed, 15g of Cuscuta seed, 15g of Raspberry, and 15g of Plantago asiatica.
Method: Fine powder on top; 30 grams of vinegar coated turtle shell, finely ground; 30g of spirit magnet, quenched three times with vinegar and finely ground; 3 grams of agarwood powder, without visible fire, mixed with various medicines, refined into honey into pills.
Effect: Nourish the liver and kidneys, improve vision and eliminate diseases.
Indications: Relieve visual fatigue and cataracts.
Usage: Take 9 grams each in the morning and evening, and serve with light salt soup.

Fang Jie
Shu Di Huang: It is the main medicine in the formula, with the effects of nourishing yin and kidney, nourishing blood and nourishing essence.
Cornus officinalis: It has the effects of nourishing the liver and kidneys, astringent and astringent.
Yam: Tonifying the spleen and stomach, generating fluids and benefiting the lungs, tonifying the kidneys and astringent essence, can help improve symptoms of spleen and stomach weakness and kidney qi deficiency.
Zexie: regulates water metabolism, prevents the greasy effect of tonifying drugs from burdening the spleen and stomach, and can also relieve kidney fire, avoiding the heat symptoms caused by kidney tonifying drugs.
Poria cocos: It can invigorate the spleen, promote dampness, calm the heart and mind, and promote digestion and absorption.
Peony bark: It has the effects of clearing heat, cooling blood, promoting blood circulation, and removing blood stasis.
Goji berries: nourishing the liver and kidneys, nourishing essence and improving vision. It is mainly used in formula to enhance liver and kidney function and improve visual problems caused by liver and kidney deficiency, such as blurred vision and night blindness.
Plantago asiatica: can help eliminate dampness and turbidity in the body, reduce the burden on the kidneys, and also help improve vision problems.
Dodder seed: Tonifying the kidneys and nourishing essence, nourishing the liver and improving vision, it has the characteristics of being warm but not dry, and nourishing but not greasy.
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Long term staring at computer and mobile phone screens can lead to a series of visual fatigue problems such as dry and itchy eyes.
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