Four self-made moisturizing facial mask for spotless women
Release time:2024-09-17 14:48:01
Word Count:3657
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Nowadays, due to the unscientific diet and long-term use of computers for work, many young women have gradually developed numerous color spots on their faces. Some people may find small spots cute, but in reality, the occurrence of pigmentation seriously harms the brand image of women who pursue beauty. In that way, how do you remove freckles? We strongly recommend several kinds of self made freckle reducing facial mask for you to try!
Tips for spot removal 1. Tomato rose essential oil facial mask
Raw materials: one tomato, appropriate amount of pure honey or milk, 1 drop of rose essential oil, and a little wheat flour.
How to do it: wash and juice tomatoes, add proper pure honey or milk and 1 drop of rose or frankincense essential oil, add a small amount of wheat flour to make it muddy, smear it on the face for about 15 minutes, take it out, and wash it with warm water.
Function: Tomatoes can whiten and remove spots, milk can whiten the skin and prevent dryness and aging, roses can nourish, soften, and soften the skin, and long-term use can assist in removing spots and wrinkles. Long term use of this pure honey rose facial mask can reasonably remove color spots, which is beneficial to your skin and delay aging!
Tips for spot removal II. Red wine and honey facial mask
Raw materials: a small glass of red wine, 2 spoons of pure honey.
Method: Mix a small glass of red wine with 2 teaspoons of pure honey until it becomes viscous, then evenly apply it to the face. After it is 80% dry, rinse off with warm water.
Function: The red wine acidity in red wine is called fruit acid, which can improve the basal metabolism of the stratum corneum, fade pigments, and make the skin more tender, white, and smooth. Honey water has moisturizing and hydrating effects. Commonly used for whitening and spot removal, as well as for beauty and skincare purposes. But this red wine and honey facial mask should be used carefully for the little sister who is allergic to alcohol! It is best to first conduct a test with red wine.
Tips for spot removal 3. Cucumber honey facial mask
Raw materials: One dried cucumber, appropriate amount of pure water and honey.
Method: Dry the cucumber, crush it into a fine powder, add a little pure water and mix well, then add honey. Apply it to your face after washing your face every night, and rinse with tap water after 20 minutes.
Function: Honey can lighten pigmentation, but it is not suitable for overnight stay after adding honey. It needs to be cleaned after 20 minutes, which will weaken the actual whitening and spot removing effect. Eggplant is rich in vitamins, protein, sugar, and anti cyclic blood acids, which have a good whitening effect on the skin. Long term use can improve the dullness and roughness of skin tone, making it more delicate and tender.
Tips for spot removal 4. Potato milk facial mask
Raw materials: one fresh potato, appropriate fresh milk, and a small amount of wheat flour.
Method: First, clean and peel the potatoes, cut them into small pieces, put them in a juicer to extract juice, and place them in a clean container. Pour in one-third cup of fresh milk, add a little wheat flour, and mix again to make it sticky. After washing your face, apply the facial mask evenly on your face and wash it 20 minutes later.
Function: Potatoes contain rich and colorful vitamins that can promote the growth and development of skin cells, bleach melanocytes in subcutaneous tissue, and make the skin shiny. They also have a preventive effect on allergic dermatitis. The common potato milk whitening facial mask can remove the spots and make the skin fresh and tender, especially for sunburn spots.
