Chinese herbal medicine: 10000 taels of gold
Release time:2024-09-17 14:57:35
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Golden Wanliang refers to cinnabar root, also known as Phoenix Intestine, Stone Green Seed, Mountain Bean Root, Earthly Yangmei, San Xue Dan, Golden Chicken Claw, Open Throat Arrow, Three liang Gold, and Rich and Prosperous Seed. Modern pharmacological research has shown that it contains polyphenolic components such as kaempferol and noradrenaline; It also contains triterpenoid saponins, terpenoids, benzoquinone, spinach sterols, cyclic phenolic peptides, etc. Has anti pathogenic microorganisms and anti-inflammatory effects.
[Sexual Taste Returning to the Classics]
Taste: bitter, spicy, and cool in nature. non-toxic.
Gui Jing: Lung Meridian, Stomach Meridian, Heart Meridian
【 Indications and Functions 】
Effect: Clearing heat and detoxifying, dispersing blood stasis and relieving pain.
Indications: tonsillitis, diphtheria, erysipelas, lymphadenitis, exercise-induced vomiting of blood, heartburn, rheumatism, bone pain, and traumatic injury. External factors such as fever, sore throat, swollen gums, rheumatism, and heartburn. Upper respiratory tract infections, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.
Clinical Application
1: Treating sore throat: One cinnabar root costs three to five yuan. Boil it in water. Two taels of cinnabar root for whole grass, one taels of dried bamboo shoots, and one taels of licorice. Boil it in water. (Hunan Pharmaceutical Journal)
2: Treating rheumatism and joint pain: Xiaolang umbrella costs five coins, Mutong costs two liang, Tiger bone costs three coins, Chicken bone fragrance costs three coins, Blood vine costs four coins, Mulberry parasitic costs three coins. Soak two pounds of wine, take it for five to one or two yuan per serving, twice a day. (Guangxi Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine)
3: Treat upper respiratory tract infections, tonsillitis, diphtheria, erysipelas, lymphadenitis, can resist bacteria, reduce inflammation and fever: cinnabar root costs three to five yuan, decoct and take; Or grind honey pills, two to three yuan each time, twice a day. (Selected Materials from the Zhejiang Traditional Chinese Medicine Antibacterial and Anti inflammatory Experience Exchange Conference)
4: Treatment of Lymphatic Vasculitis Caused by Lymphatic Filariasis: One to two taels of dried cinnabar roots. Boil in water, cocktail drink. (Fujian Chinese Herbal Medicine)
5: Treating lung disease and vomiting blood from labor injury: Take cinnabar root for three to five yuan, stewed with pig lungs. First, take the soup, then take the medicine and take the lungs. Taking three lungs in a row is one course of treatment. (Commonly Used Herbs in Zhejiang Folk Medicine)
6: Treating injuries caused by falls and joint pain: cinnabar root costs three to five coins. Boil or rinse yellow wine in water. (Commonly Used Herbs in Zhejiang Folk Medicine)
7: Treating women's vaginal discharge and dysmenorrhea: cinnabar root costs three to five yuan. Boil in water or mix with white sugar or yellow wine. (Commonly Used Herbs in Zhejiang Folk Medicine)
8: Treating venomous snake bites: Two taels of fresh cinnabar roots. Boil in water and take orally; Use an appropriate amount of salted wood leaves, bark, and Chinese tallow leaves, boil the soup to clean the wound, crush the cinnabar root bark, and apply it around the wound. (Selected Compilation of Investigation Materials for Unilateral Verification)
9: Dysentery: 30g cinnabar root, 15g each of Houttuynia cordata, Alternanthera philoxeroides, and Quercus acutissima. Boil it in water.
10: Nephritis: 30g cinnabar root, 30g cinnabar root, 15g thistle root, and 15g agar root, decoct in water and take orally.
11: Tonsillitis, sore throat: 30g cinnabar root, cinnabar bed, and braised chrysanthemum each, decoct in water and take.
12: Injury caused by falling: 30g cinnabar root, 15g verbena, 9g black medicine, decoct in water and take.
① Some medications may cause nausea, loss of appetite, and other reactions.
② People with spleen and stomach deficiency and cold should avoid using it. Pregnant women should avoid using it. Children should use with caution.
③ The dosage should not exceed 15g, otherwise adverse reactions may occur.