Traditional Chinese Medicine: Thousand Gold
Release time:2024-09-18 18:40:22
Word Count:3340
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【 Source 】 Qianjinzi is the seed of Euphorbiaceae plant Xunzi.
【 Original Plant 】 Euphorbia lathhris L., also known as Xianren Duizuo Grass and Hundred Medicinal Solutions. Two year old herb, up to 1m tall, with white milk throughout the plant and white powder when young. The root is short and slightly curved in a conical shape. The stem is upright and sturdy, cylindrical in shape, slightly woody at the base, and slightly reddish. Single leaf opposite growth, with no stem at the lower part of the stem, linear lanceolate; The upper leaves of the stem have short stems; Widely lanceolate, measuring 5-15cm in length and 0.6-1.5cm in width, with a sharp apex and a nearly heart-shaped base, the entire margin. The inflorescence grows at the top and is umbrella shaped; At the base of the inflorescence, there are 2-4 peduncles, with each peduncle branching further and long peduncles on both sides; The base has ovate lanceolate bracts 2: the bracts are cup-shaped, the tips are 4-5 lobed, inwardly curved, the glands are 4, crescent shaped, and the ends are elongated into horns; Flowers are unisexual and have no flower cover; Male flowers have one stamen per flower and slightly forked pollen sacs; The female flower is located in the center of the inflorescence, with a 3-chamber ovary and 1 ovule per chamber. The style is 3-lobed; After the female flower stem is pollinated, the bracts droop; The capsule is nearly spherical and hairless. The seed is oblong in shape. The flowering period is from April to July. The fruiting period is from July to August.
【 Habitat distribution 】 It grows on sunny slopes and is widely cultivated. Distributed in Northeast China, as well as provinces and regions such as Hebei, Shanxi, Henan, Shandong, Shanxi, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Taiwan, Hunan, Guangxi, Yunnan, Guizhou, and Sichuan.
After the autumn seeds mature, cut the whole plant, sow the seeds, remove impurities, and dry them in the sun.
【 Medicinal herb characteristics 】 The seeds are elliptical or inverted in shape, approximately 5mm in length and 4mm in diameter. The surface is gray brown or gray brown, with irregular mesh wrinkles and gray black fine spots in the concave part of the mesh. There is a longitudinal groove like ridge on one side, with a raised commissure at the upper end, a gray white linear navel at the lower end, and a nearly white raised mound at the base, leaving a circular scar after detachment. Crispy texture, yellow white seed kernels, abundant endosperm, oily texture. The embryo is straight and small. Qi is absent, the taste is pungent.
[Processing and Decoction Pieces] Remove impurities, sieve out sediment, wash, remove, sun dry, and crush when used. Take a thousand pieces of gold from the Thousand Gold Frost, remove the skin and clean the kernels, and make the frost to obtain it.
[Sexual Taste Function] It has a pungent taste, warm nature, and is toxic. It has the function of promoting diuresis, reducing swelling, and breaking blood stasis.
【 Indications and Usage 】 Used for edema, phlegm retention, stagnation and fullness, obstruction of bowel movements, blood stasis and meridian closure; External treatment for stubborn ringworm and wart warts. The dosage is 1-2g. Remove the shell and oil, take more pills and powder. Apply an appropriate amount externally and crush the affected area.