What ingredients can be used to make soup in summer
Release time:2024-09-20 17:46:50
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What ingredients can be used to make soup in summer
With the arrival of summer, people will eat some health foods in summer. It is best to make soup and drink some light soup in summer. So, what ingredients can be used to make soup in summer?
What ingredients can be used to make soup in summer
1. Duck meat
Duck is sweet, cool, non-toxic, and belongs to the lung and kidney meridians. It has the effects of tonifying deficiency and fatigue, clearing the lungs and reducing fever, nourishing yin and blood, calming and detoxifying, and reducing edema. Duck meat can be consumed by most people, especially suitable for those who are hot, have excessive heat, eat less, suffer from constipation, and have edema. It is particularly effective when consumed in summer.
2. American ginseng
Having a cool and nourishing nature can help regulate qi, lower fire, produce fluids, and relieve fatigue. In the scorching summer, excessive sweating can deplete the body's vital energy and Yin fluid, causing damage to Yin and leading to deficiency fire. Symptoms such as fatigue, lethargy, and restlessness may occur. Adding a taste of American ginseng to the soup can have a significant effect in tonifying deficiency and fighting fatigue.
3. Kelp
It has the effects of resolving phlegm, softening hardness, and lowering blood pressure. Suitable for patients with hypertension, hyperlipidemia, coronary heart disease, and arteriosclerosis, it also has good therapeutic effects on elderly chronic bronchitis.
4. White radish
It contains lignin, which can decompose carcinogenic nitrosamines and has anti-cancer effects. In addition, white radish is one of the best sources of calcium supplementation for the human body, and this organic calcium is most abundant in radish skin.
5. Lotus root
Mature lotus root has a sweet, warm, and non-toxic nature. It can nourish the heart and blood, strengthen the stomach and spleen, nourish and strengthen the body. Lotus root soup promotes urination, clears heat, and moistens the lungs. Usually, it can be paired with lean pork or pork bones to make soup, and adding an appropriate amount of mung beans will improve the taste.
6. Green beans
In summer, people lose a lot of water and lose appetite, so drinking soup has become the most suitable way for people to eat in summer. Due to the hot summer weather, it is important to choose ingredients that are clear, invigorate the spleen, dispel dampness, and cool down when drinking soup. Green beans are cool in nature and sweet in taste, making them a great summer remedy. In China, there is also a saying that goes, 'A bowl of green bean soup in summer can detoxify and dispel heat, making it a heavenly remedy.'.
What ingredients can be used to make soup in summer
7. Fig
In addition to containing various essential amino acids, vitamins, and inorganic salts for the human body, it also contains various ingredients such as citric acid, berberine, succinic acid, quinic acid, fatty acids, and ficin enzyme, which have good therapeutic effects. Modern medicine has confirmed that figs not only help the body digest food and promote appetite, but also have the effect of moistening the intestines and promoting bowel movements.
8. Winter melon
Its taste is light and refreshing, making it a great dish for clearing summer heat. It is suitable for cooking soup and stir frying dishes. When stewed with winter melon, Job's tears, lilies, lotus seeds, and duck, it can clear summer heat and stimulate appetite.
9. Honeysuckle flower
Using honeysuckle and chrysanthemum together can relieve heat, clear the brain and improve vision. Paired with hawthorn, it can aid digestion and promote blood circulation. Adding honey adds nutrients and a sour scent, making it an excellent cooling material.
10. Five Finger Peach
Wuzhi Mao Tao is a species of Ficus microcarpa in the mulberry family, named after its leaves resembling five fingers and fruit resembling Mao Tao. It is also known as the Five Claw Dragon. It is mainly produced in Fujian, Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi, Guizhou, Yunnan and other places, with Heyuan and Shaoguan in Guangdong being the main agricultural areas.
Five finger peach has a sweet and slightly warm taste, which can not only nourish qi and spleen, but also dispel dampness and phlegm, relax muscles and activate collaterals. It can be used for symptoms such as lung deficiency, phlegm wheezing, spleen and stomach qi deficiency, limb fatigue and weakness, spontaneous sweating, rheumatism and pain, back pain, etc.