The Five Flavors of Traditional Chinese Medicine: Sandalwood Tea
Release time:2024-09-21 12:37:38
Word Count:2767
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Summer is hot and humid, with excessive sweating and high consumption of body fluids. How to supplement body fluids in daily life, as well as relieve heat, detoxify and reduce fire, lower dryness, quench thirst and promote body fluids, and strengthen the mind and energy? You can try the five flavors of Sandalwood tea shared by Dr. Li.
【 Composition of Tea Recipe 】
5g Schisandra chinensis, 3g Panax ginseng, 3g Dendrobium officinale, 3g green tea, 10g red date slices
Boil water according to the above ratio and drink it as tea, or brew it with 300ml of boiling water and drink until the taste is light.
Analysis of Tea Recipe
Schisandrin C23H32O6 contains schisandrin, vitamin C, resin, tannins, and a small amount of sugars. It has the effects of tonifying the lungs, nourishing the kidneys, generating fluids, reducing sweating, and astringent essence. It can treat lung deficiency, wheezing, cough, dry mouth, thirst, self sweating, night sweats, fatigue and thinness, nocturnal emission, and long-term diarrhea.
Sand ginseng has a sweet and slightly bitter taste, and a slightly cold nature. Return to the lung and stomach meridians. It has the effects of nourishing yin, clearing heat, moistening lungs, resolving phlegm, and promoting stomach and body fluids.
Dendrobium can produce saliva, benefit the stomach, clear heat and nourish yin. It can treat fever and body fluids, dry mouth, restlessness and thirst, deficiency heat after illness, and dark eyes caused by yin damage. In the treatment of main injuries, it is necessary to eliminate rheumatism, lower qi, supplement the deficiency and weakness of the five organs, strengthen yin, and take long-term medication to thicken the stomach and intestines
Red dates can nourish the spleen and stomach, nourish qi and produce fluids, regulate the body's health, and detoxify. Treating stomach deficiency, insufficient food intake, weak spleen, loose stools, insufficient qi, blood, and body fluids, disharmony between the camp and the defense, and palpitations. The woman is restless. The Book of Canon states: Master the evil energy of the heart and abdomen, calm the middle and nourish the spleen, and assist the twelve meridians. Flatten stomach qi, unblock the nine orifices, replenish insufficient qi and body fluids, cause body deficiency, shock, heavy limbs, and a hundred medicines.
【 Health benefits 】
Wu Wei Sha Hu tea has the effect of nourishing the stomach and promoting diuresis. It can nourish yin, clear heat, moisten the lungs and reduce phlegm, and promote stomach and body fluids. It has good health benefits for chronic cough caused by yin deficiency, tuberculosis, phlegm and blood, dry cough with less phlegm, throat obstruction caused by deficiency heat, and thirst caused by dryness and heat.
