Chinese herbal medicine: small thistle
Release time:2024-09-21 18:14:14
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Nicknames: Cat Thistle, Green Thorn Thistle, Thousand Needle Grass, Thorn Thistle Vegetable, Thorn Seed Vegetable, Green Green Grass Vegetable, Qiqi Vegetable, Spear Knife Vegetable
Harvesting and processing: During the peak blooming period from May to June, the whole plant is harvested, dried, or used fresh. It can harvest continuously for 3-4 years.
Medicinal parts: aboveground parts
Origin: all parts of the country except Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan and Xizang
Family: Asteraceae
Original plant: Prickly vegetable
Plant condition: Perennial herb
The rhizome is long. The stem is upright, with a height of 30-80cm, and the stem is hairless or covered with spider silk like hairs.
Xiao Ji Gen
The basal leaves wither during the flowering period; The lower and middle leaves are elliptical or lanceolate in shape, measuring 7-15cm in length and 1.5-10cm in width. The tips are blunt or rounded, and the base is wedge-shaped, usually without petioles. The upper stem and leaves gradually become smaller, with fine needle or tooth like edges. Both sides of the stem and leaves are the same color and hairless.
The inflorescence is solitary at the stem end and dioecious; The total length of the male inflorescence bracts is about 18mm, and the total length of the female inflorescence bracts is about 25mm; The bracts have 6 layers, the outer layer is very short, long elliptical lanceolate, the inner layer is lanceolate, the tip is long and pointed, and thorny; The male flower corolla is 17-20mm long, the lobes are 9-10mm long, and the anthers are purple red, about 6mm long; The female flower corolla is purple red, about 26mm long, the lobes are about 5mm long, and the degenerated anthers are about 2mm long.
The achene is elliptical or oblong in shape, slightly flattened; Crown hair feather like. The flowering period is from May to June, and the fruiting period is from May to July.
Characteristics of small thistle medicinal herb: "The stem is cylindrical, 30-45cm long, 2-4mm in diameter, with a green or slightly purple brown surface, longitudinal edges and soft hairs; brittle in texture, easy to break, fibrous in cross-section, hollow. The leaves are often wrinkled or broken, and the intact ones are flattened to form a long elliptical oblong lanceolate shape, 3-12cm long and 0.5-3cm wide; the whole edge or microwave shape, with fine needle like needles, green brown on the upper surface, gray green on the lower surface, and white spider silk like hairs on both sides. The inflorescence is apical, the bracts are bell shaped, the bracts are yellow green, 5-6 layers, linear or lanceolate, and the corolla is often shed. The coronal hair is feather shaped and often exposed. The air is weak and the taste is slightly bitter.
The upper surface of the leaf is green brown, and the lower surface is gray green
2. The complete leaves are relatively short, and when unfolded, they appear as elongated ellipses or elongated lanceolate shapes. The entire margin or microtooves are deeply lobed to feather like, and the tips of the teeth are pricked with needles, which are not obvious
3 bracts with 5-8 layers, yellow green in color; Yellow white to purple red
High quality products with green color and multiple leaves are preferred.
The medicinal properties of small thistle:
[Processing] Remove impurities from the small thistle, wash, moisten slightly, cut into sections, and dry.
Take the small thistle charcoal and stir fry the small thistle segments according to the charcoal frying method (Appendix II D) until they turn black brown.
[Taste] Sweet, bitter, cool. Returning to the heart and liver meridian.
【 Indications 】 Cooling blood and stopping bleeding, removing blood stasis and reducing swelling. Used for bleeding, vomiting, urinating, urinating, bleeding in the stool, bleeding from collapse, bleeding from external injuries, and treating boils and sores.
【 Usage and Dosage 】 4.5-9g. Apply an appropriate amount of fresh food externally, crush and apply to the affected area.
[Storage] Store in a ventilated and dry place.
【 Attention 】 Avoid taking it for those with spleen and stomach deficiency and cold without stasis.
① The Essence of Pin Hui ":" Avoid using iron tools. ""
② The "Compendium of Materia Medica" states: "It is not conducive to the symptoms of weak stomach, diarrhea, extreme blood deficiency, and weak spleen and stomach, which are not conducive to diet. ""
③ The Compendium of Materia Medica states: "Not conducive to Qi deficiency. ""
① To treat heart heat, vomiting blood, and dry mouth: Mix two servings of raw lotus root juice, two servings of raw burdock juice, two servings of raw rehmannia root juice, and one spoonful of white honey. Apply the medicine and mix well, regardless of the time, sip it carefully. (Holy Blessing Formula)
② To treat bleeding on the tongue and also treat excessive bleeding: grip the thistle, grind it, grind the juice, and mix it with half a cup of wine. If there is no raw juice, only mash it until dry, then add three qian daggers to cold water. (St. Francis' Record of Clear Heart Separation)
③ Treatment for vomiting blood and hemoptysis: equal parts of thistle, small thistle, lotus leaf, cypress leaf, thatched root, madder, mountain gardenia, rhubarb, peony bark, and palm bark. Burn the ash to preserve its properties, grind it finely, wrap it in paper, cover it with a bowl on the ground overnight, and release fire poison. When using it, first grind half a bowl of white lotus root juice or radish juice into Jingmo and mix it with five coins. After consumption. (Ten Medicine Divine Books, Ten Ash Powder)
④ To treat scorching and hot blooded diarrhea: wash four liang of raw Rehmannia root, stir fry small thistle roots, talc, Tongcao, Puhuang, light bamboo leaves, lotus root nodes, Angelica sinensis (remove reed, soak in wine), Gardenia seed, licorice (roasted) each half liang. Cut finely, each serving costs four yuan. Boil in one and a half cups of water until 80%. Remove the impurities and warm the dish before eating. (Ji Sheng Fang)
⑤ To treat collapse and lower blood: Wash and cut the stem and leaves of Cirsium Cirsium, grind one cup of juice, add one cup of raw Rehmannia juice, half liang of Atractylodes macrocephala, boil in half, and take warm. (From "Qian Jin Fang")
⑥ For the treatment of persistent bleeding after miscarriage of pregnancy, take five liang of small thistle roots and leaves (filed) and five liang of motherwort (root removed, chopped) each. Boil three large bowls of water until fully cooked, then remove the residue and add to one large bowl. Fry the medicine in a copper container until it reaches one cup, divide into two portions, and consume within a day. (Xiao Ji Drink from the "General Record of St. Ji")
⑦ Treating women's vaginal discharge: Decoction of small thistle, wash three times a day. (Guangji Fang)“
【 Attention 】 Avoid taking it for those with spleen and stomach deficiency and cold without stasis.
1. "Essentials of Pin Hui": Avoid using iron tools.
2. "Compendium of Materia Medica": Not conducive to the symptoms of weak stomach diarrhea, extreme blood deficiency, weak spleen and stomach, and lack of appetite.
3. "Compendium of Materia Medica": Not conducive to Qi deficiency.
【 Discussions from Various Schools 】
Tang Bencao: Both large and small thistles can break through blood, but large thistles also treat abscesses and swelling, while small thistles specialize in blood and cannot reduce swelling.
Rihuazi Bencao ": The small thistle has weak strength and can only reduce fever, unlike the large thistle which can nourish qi.
According to the "Compendium of Materia Medica": Shen Zeshi said that besides treating blood and stopping bleeding with two thistles, there is no other growth that can benefit people. As the saying goes, 'nourish essence and blood, nourish deficiency and stimulate appetite' cannot be followed.
The roots and leaves of both big and small thistles are bitter, sweet, and have a calm qi. They can rise and fall, break blood, and stop bleeding. Xiao Ji, on the other hand, is sweet and peaceful, not very bitter. It specializes in reducing fever and eliminating annoyance, clearing fire and returning blood to the meridians. Its function is to preserve blood by cooling it.
Medical Zhongshen Xilu ": Fresh small thistle roots have a cool and moist nature, are good at entering the bloodstream, and can clear the heat of blood. Those who cough up blood, vomit blood, bleed blood, or have two bowel movements due to heat will be cured immediately after taking them. It is also good at treating lung disease and tuberculosis. It is suitable for use at any stage and can be effective when used alone. And treat all sores, swelling, pain, flower and willow venom poisoning, and painful bleeding. Its properties can not only cool blood and stop bleeding, but also promote blood circulation and detoxify, which is why it has the above effects. It has a cool and moisturizing nature, and is good at nourishing yin and blood, treating blood deficiency and fever. For women with bleeding and red spots, it is also effective when used for those with heat.
Dietary Therapy Materia Medica: Take vegetables and cook them to remove wind and heat. Root, the main body has collapsed, and the woman has been injured in the lunar month. Mash half a liter of juice and take it. The golden ulcer is bleeding profusely, seal it with the leaves. Summer months are hot, and I feel restless. I mash leaves and take half a liter of juice to drink.
Materia Medica Collection: Breaking through stagnant blood, stopping new blood, sudden bleeding, blood dysentery (also known as' collapse '), bleeding from golden sores, vomiting, etc., twisting juice to warm up and take; Boil and sugar, alloy sores, and spider, snake, and scorpion venom. It is also good to take.
Rihuazi Bencao ": Root, treat heat, toxicity, wind, and chest and diaphragmatic distress, stimulate appetite, reduce fever, and replenish deficiency. Miao, get rid of the heat, take raw research juice.
The Compendium of Materia Medica: Mash the roots and grind the juice to take, in order to prevent vomiting, bleeding, and diarrhea.
The Compendium of Materia Medica: Clearing fire, dispelling wind, expelling phlegm, and relieving all boils, carbuncles, swelling, and toxins.
Classification of Herbal Properties: Used to treat blood stasis, swelling and pain, injuries from falls and injuries, redness and collapse, and vaginal discharge.
Common Chinese Herbal Medicines in Shanghai: Clearing heat, stopping bleeding, lowering blood pressure, dispersing blood stasis and reducing swelling. Treat various types of bleeding, hypertension, jaundice, hepatitis, and nephritis. "