Traditional Chinese Medicine's Half Branch Lotus Piercing Stone Water Fish Soup
Release time:2024-09-22 14:02:07
Word Count:2775
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For people with weak bodies or critically ill patients, abnormal carbohydrate metabolism, disrupted fat metabolism, accelerated protein breakdown, gastrointestinal dysfunction, and other conditions can all lead to malnutrition. Nutritional support is one of the means of supporting treatment and rehabilitation for critically ill patients. Especially in the recovery period of seriously ill and cancer patients, due to significant trauma suffered by the body after surgery and radiotherapy and chemotherapy, the immune function of the body is greatly reduced. Nutritional supplementation is very important for the body. Adequate nutritional supplementation can effectively improve immunity, prevent tumor recurrence and metastasis, and lay a solid foundation for disease treatment. So besides medication, we can also supplement our body with energy through dietary therapy. The Banzhilian Chuanchuanshui Fish Soup shared below has the effects of dispersing blood stasis, clearing heat, nourishing yin, and tonifying deficiency
【 Composition of Soup Formula 】
Half branch lotus 80g, broken stone 80g, 1 slice of ginger, 1 water fish, lean pork 120g
Wash the half branch lotus and the pierced stone, wrap them with gauze, and after slaughtering the water fish, remove the intestinal organs and cut them into thin pieces. Cut the lean pork into thin pieces and mix them with half branch lotus and pierced stone, add water to stew until cooked. Remove the half branch lotus residue, season with oil and salt, and drink soup to eat meat.
Analysis of Soup Formula
Chuanchuangshi has the effects of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, softening and dispersing lumps, regulating menstruation, dispelling wind and dampness, clearing heat and detoxifying, and relaxing muscles and activating collaterals.
Half branch lotus has a pungent and flat nature, with the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, reducing swelling and pain, and fighting cancer.
Water fish has the effect of nourishing yin and reducing fire, and also contains rich nutrients such as animal glue, keratin, and vitamin D. It is also rich in potassium, various vitamins, amino acids, trace elements, etc., which can regulate the endocrine function of the human body and enhance physical fitness.
【 Health benefits 】
Banzhilian Chuanpao Shishui Fish Soup is rich in nutrients and has a good nutritional supplement effect on patients with severe yin deficiency and internal heat. It has anti-cancer effects, especially suitable for liver hot blood stasis syndrome: hard lumps in the upper abdomen, bloating pain, refusal to press, or chest and rib pain, irritability, dry mouth, dry stool, short and red urine, dark red tongue, thick yellow coating, and smooth pulse.