How is Xiaoshu best for health preservation
Release time:2024-09-22 14:43:35
Word Count:3304
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Xiaoshu's health preservation requires calming the qi and nourishing the heart
During the Xiaoshu season, the weather is hot and people are prone to restlessness, drowsiness, and lack of energy. So, corresponding to the characteristics of this season, in terms of health preservation, the heart should be taken care of according to the corresponding relationship between the season and the five organs. The heart is the head of the five organs and six viscera, and there is a saying that 'when the heart beats, all the organs shake'. The maintenance of the heart is particularly important. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that calming the mind and calming the qi can relieve tense emotions, make the mood feel relaxed, and promote the balance of qi and blood; It not only contributes to the vigorous function of the heart, but also conforms to the principle of "nourishing yang in spring and summer". Therefore, it is advisable to have a "calm heart" for summer health preservation, as a calm heart naturally cools down.
Xiaoshu's health preservation requires a light diet
During the summer season, the diet should be light and avoid spicy and greasy foods. For example, mung bean and lily Congee has the effects of clearing heat and detoxification, promoting water and swelling, relieving heat and thirst, and clearing the mind and calming the nerves. Pumpkin and mung bean soup also has the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, nourishing qi and generating fluids. Vegetables should be eaten more with green leafy vegetables, bitter gourd, loofah, pumpkin, cucumber, etc., while fruits such as watermelon are better, especially watermelon green skin, which can be cold mixed for better cooling effect.
Xiaoshu's health and daily routine should take a nap
Due to the hot weather and short summer days, most people tend to stay up late and wake up early. Therefore, in terms of daily life, people can take a break at noon to help themselves recover from physical fatigue. However, it is also necessary to receive appropriate exposure to sunlight (avoiding direct sunlight) to conform to the filling of yang qi, facilitate the circulation of qi and blood, and invigorate the spirit.
Experts say that in order to avoid heatstroke, people should pay attention to sun protection, take frequent showers, and change clothes frequently during the Xiaoshu season. This can make the skin loose and "yang heat" easy to release. It should be noted that people should not take a shower immediately after sweating, as the saying goes, "sweat does not show dampness." If "sweat shows dampness, it can lead to acne.
Xiaoshu's health should be less active and more calm
In the scorching summer, the sun shines brightly and the heat evaporates. It is the time when the human body's yang energy is active, and health should also focus on nourishing the yang to adapt to seasonal changes. At this time, people should pay attention to balancing work and rest, and protect the body's yang energy. It is best to adhere to the principle of "less movement, more stillness" and go into nature, walking mountain trails, caressing pine and bamboo trees. You can also read and write books, drink tea and poetry, and enjoy the cool scenery indoors in a quiet environment. Exercise is best done in the morning and evening.