Chinese herbal medicine: Huangzhong in human
Release time:2024-09-23 18:42:01
Word Count:4075
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Nicknames: Licorice Yellow, Ganzhonghuang
Harvesting and processing: "The source is the finished product of licorice powder placed in bamboo tubes and soaked in human manure pits.
The method involves grinding licorice into coarse powder and placing it into a bamboo tube with a section at one end. The other end is tightly stuffed with cloth and sealed with rosin. The bamboo tube is then scraped off the green strips and immersed in a clean water pit for 2-3 months. Usually more immersed than in winter, take it out in the following spring, float it with clean water for 2-3 weeks, change the water once a day until it is odorless. After drying in the shade, split the bamboo tube, take out the licorice, and dry it in the sun.
Characteristics of Chinese herbal medicine: The intact one is cylindrical in shape, with a dark yellow appearance and slightly rough cross-section. Licorice fibers can be seen, interwoven vertically and horizontally, and condensed with each other. Sometimes there are also gray yellow bamboo clothing fragments on the surface. Tight and slightly hard in texture, easy to peel off on the surface, with a special odor.
High quality products are preferred to be dry and non moldy.
Yellow medicinal properties in humans: "Sweet and savory in nature; salty in taste; cold in nature
Returning to the heart; Stomach meridian
Indications: Clearing heat and cooling blood; Relieve fire and detoxify. Main celestial fever; Warm disease spots; Great heat, annoyance and thirst; Acne and blood heat; Dan poison; Ulcers and sores
Usage and dosage for oral administration: decoction (wrapped in cloth) 6-10g; Or into pills or powder.
Caution: Non solid fever patients are prohibited from using it.
Discussions from various schools
1. "Rihuazi Bencao": Treat heat related illnesses in the sky.
2. "Bencao Mengqi": Treating epidemics and toxins.
3. "Compendium of Materia Medica": Relieve stomach heat toxicity.
4. "Essentials of Materia Medica Preparation": Relieve heat, clear phlegm and fire, eliminate food accumulation, and relieve excess heat in the five organs. Treat the heat frenzy of Tianxing, acne, blood heat, and inability to get black spots.
5. "Ben Jing Feng Yuan": Jie Tianxing is fanatical and has warm and poisonous hair spots.
6. "Seeking Truth from Materia Medica": Yellow in Man. The book states that the skill is specifically designed to detoxify the stomach, and its sweet taste makes it so. It solves the problem of excessive heat in the five organs, which is caused by its cold qi. "
Pay attention to the "Compendium of Materia Medica": "It is not suitable for those with typhoid fever and warm epidemic who are not caused by excessive heat in Yangming; it is not suitable for those with acne who are not caused by stagnant heat and have purple, black, dry, sunken cheeks“
① Piwen: There is no limit to the amount of yellow in a person, and the rice is in the form of pills, the size of mung beans is large, and there are fifteen pills. (From "Song Feng Talks about the Epidemic" by Ren Zhong Huang Wan)
② Treat excessive heat and thirst: Take yellow mixed with white sugar in boiling water. (Sichuan Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine)
③ Treating epidemic fever: decoction of Huanglian, Huanglian, and gypsum in the human body. (Sichuan Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine)
④ For the treatment of vomiting blood, phlegm, and restlessness caused by bone steaming: Yellow is the last substance in the human body, and it costs three yuan per dose. Take Qian root juice, bamboo juice, ginger juice, and mix well. (Danxi Heart Method)
⑤ Treating Dan Poison: Two taels of Huangqian, one and a half taels of honeysuckle, one and a half taels of Danpi, and two taels of Shanzhi in humans. Boil in water, take three portions a day. (Modern Practical Traditional Chinese Medicine)
⑥ Treat pufferfish, bacterial toxins, and all kinds of sores: divide into equal parts of Huangzhong and Jiu Dahuang, powder. Drinking alcohol without ash can cause immediate diarrhea and toxicity. Although thirsty, do not drink water. (This Classic Meets the Original)“