Chronic colitis should not be taken lightly, early treatment is very important!
Release time:2024-09-24 12:58:28
Word Count:2997
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Many people have chronic colitis, which has a high incidence rate and is a very common disease. The main symptoms are long-term abdominal pain and diarrhea. Long term diarrhea can lead to poor nutrient absorption, decreased resistance, and cause many diseases, which are very painful! Even in severe cases, if left untreated for a long time, it may progress to colon cancer!
About the secret recipe
This prescription was originally an in-house preparation of a traditional Chinese medicine hospital in Shanghai. Due to its remarkable therapeutic effect, patients who came from a radius of hundreds of miles here to take the medicine came in an endless stream. The inventor is my close friend, who communicates and learns from each other, imparting knowledge to me. After my clinical verification, the efficacy is confirmed. I have always regarded it as a treasure, kept secret and not passed on. I have converted to Buddhism, blessed by the Buddha, and grateful for his kindness. Therefore, I make a vow to publicly reveal the secret recipe and save the world!

*Experience based approach*
Colonic Rehabilitation Pill
Ingredients: 60g ginseng, 60g Atractylodes macrocephala, 60g dried ginger, 30g roasted licorice, 60g Fructus Psorale, 15g Huanglian, 60g nutmeg, 30g Schisandra chinensis, 15g Evodia rutaecarpa.
Preparation method: The above drugs are ground into fine powder and mixed with water to form pills.
Effect: Warm and tonify the spleen and kidneys, strengthen the intestines and stop diarrhea.
Indications: Chronic colitis.
Usage: Take 9g each time, three times a day.

Definition of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Solution: The basic pathogenesis of chronic colitis is spleen kidney yang deficiency and unstable large intestine. This formula is made by combining Lizhong Tang (dried ginger, ginseng, Atractylodes macrocephala, roasted licorice) and Sishen Wan (Fructus Psoraleae, nutmeg, Schisandra chinensis, Wu Zhuyu), and adding Huanglian. The spleen controls the circulation and transformation, and spleen yang deficiency and decline can lead to diarrhea if the circulation and transformation are lost. Lizhong decoction focuses on warming and tonifying spleen yang to assist in circulation and transformation. If the kidney yang is deficient and weakened, it will mature without any power, and the grain will not melt. At dawn when the yang qi is weak, there will be bowel sounds and diarrhea. Si Shen Wan warms and tonifies kidney yang, strengthens the intestines and stops diarrhea. The beauty of the recipe lies in the skillful use of Huanglian to calm the cold and heat. The combination of various medicines has the function of warming, tonifying the spleen and kidneys, strengthening the intestines, and stopping diarrhea. It is a specially formulated formula for the treatment of chronic colitis.
Our herbal medicine is cheap, simple and practical, with excellent therapeutic effects. It can be purchased in general Chinese medicine stores and is suitable for popularization and promotion.