Don t want to lose hair, take a look at this secret recipe, I hope it can help you!
Release time:2024-09-24 13:02:24
Word Count:4542
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About hair loss
Whether male or female, everyone hopes to have a shiny black hair because it makes them feel more charming and stylish. A young man from Xuzhou, Jiangsu told me that he was only 28 years old when he went bald due to hair loss. He looks like a "little old man" in his forties, so girls are unwilling to date him, resulting in being single and very distressed!
Contribution secret recipe
In order to help the vast number of hair loss patients relieve their troubles, Dr. Fu Jihua has revealed his secret recipe to the public, hoping to benefit the world!
Type of hair loss
There are two most common types of hair loss. One is the deficiency of kidney essence and blood, which makes it impossible to ascend to the top of Rongding and nourish the hair. One is seborrheic hair loss, characterized by damp heat blockage, obstruction of qi and blood, and loss due to blockage. According to the principle of supplementing deficiency and purging deficiency in traditional Chinese medicine, treat them separately.
Kidney deficiency and hair loss
Kidney deficiency and hair loss, symptoms include dry and fallen hair, accompanied by soreness and weakness in the waist and knees, dizziness and tinnitus, memory loss, weak tongue and pulse, and other kidney deficiency symptoms.

*Experience based approach*
Yi Mao Wu Tang
Ingredients: 9g ginseng, 9g Angelica sinensis, 30g Polygonum multiflorum, 6g dried tangerine peel, 9g Rehmannia root, 15g dried lotus root, and 15g black sesame seeds.
Indications: Hair loss caused by kidney deficiency.
Usage: Take one dose a day, decoct twice in water, and take once in the morning and once in the evening.

Fang Jie
In the formula, Polygonum multiflorum is used to nourish the kidneys and essence, while Wuxufa is the main medicine. Rehmannia glutinosa, black lotus root, black sesame color, enters the kidneys, and nourishes the essence and blood. Ginseng is used to nourish qi, spleen, and nurture the innate, while Angelica sinensis is used to nourish blood and nourish essence. Chenpi is used to regulate qi, dampness, and prevent various medicines from nourishing the stomach.
Seborrheic alopecia
Damp heat hair loss, also known as seborrheic hair loss in modern medicine, is characterized by vigorous secretion of scalp hair and facial oils, oily complexion, susceptibility to dermatitis, acne, thick and greasy tongue coating, and smooth pulse count.

*Experience based approach*
A single penny is unyielding and scattered
Ingredients: 30g of Platycodon grandiflorus leaves, 15g of dried alum, 9g of safflower, 9g of Eucommia ulmoides, and 6g of Fructus Psorale.
Indications: Exudative hair loss.
Method: A total of coarse powder is used to make a powder.
Usage: Boil medicine to wash hair, once a day, wash for 30 minutes a day.

Fang Jie
Cypress leaves, black beard and hair, stop hair loss as the main medicine, dry alum to remove dampness and oil as the main medicine, safflower bone penetrating grass to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, improve circulation as an adjuvant medicine, and psoralen has a foaming effect. Low dose application can promote hair growth as the main medicine.
Case Summary
Case 1
Ma XX, female, a doctor from Hengnan Hospital, complained of hair loss for more than a year. She was diagnosed with oily face, thick and greasy tongue coating, and smooth pulse. Diagnosis: Seborrheic alopecia, prescription: 5 doses of Yimao Leng San. Second diagnosis: No hair loss, but it has been treated with other diseases.
Case 2
Wang XX, male, complained of hair loss for three months. Diagnosis: dry and dull hair, lower back pain and tinnitus, low libido with premature ejaculation, weak pulse at two feet. Diagnosis: Kidney deficiency and hair loss, treated with Yimao Ling Tang. After taking more than 40 doses, he recovered.
The diagnosis of hair loss is accurate, the medication is precise, and it is not difficult to treat. However, the excess syndrome is easy to treat, while the deficiency syndrome is difficult to adjust. Seborrheic hair loss has a quick effect and is easy to treat. However, kidney deficiency and hair loss are difficult to achieve quick results, and whether the prescription can be maintained is the key to effectiveness.
My friend asked me in confusion, why did you make the family's secret techniques public? The answer is: To overcome the sea of suffering and benefit all sentient beings is beyond the ability of one person. It is not within the reach of one person to spread the technique to the world, so that the wise can obtain it and save all.