Appendicitis, don t be afraid. Once the secret recipe is out, you can cure it!
Release time:2024-09-24 13:05:10
Word Count:5547
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As is well known, appendicitis is a surgical acute abdomen. Suffering from this disease, the abdominal pain is like a knife twisting, extremely painful, and even life-threatening, usually requiring surgical treatment. Many people don't know that traditional Chinese medicine can actually treat this disease. I have a unique treatment method that can save patients from the pain of surgery. Today, I am sharing it with you, hoping to help more patients who are suffering from pain and suffering!

Traditional Chinese Medicine Formula
Appendicitis Decoction
Ingredients: 15g rhubarb (bottom), 9g saltpeter (diluted), 45g winter melon kernels, 9g peach kernels, 6g dandelion, 30g honeysuckle, 15g clover, 9g wood fragrance, 9g betel nut, 15g Corydalis yanhusuo, 3g licorice.
Effect: Relieve heat and detoxify, promote qi circulation and disperse stagnation.
Indications: Appendicitis.
Usage: Boil twice in water, one dose per day, take in the morning and evening.
Taboo: Avoid spicy food.

Definition of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Solution: Traditional Chinese medicine believes that appendicitis is caused by heat toxin stagnation, which leads to pain in the intestines and blood when there is no pain, and pain when there is obstruction. Our formula is based on the classic formula for treating intestinal abscess, Dahuang Mudan Tang (rhubarb, saltpeter, winter melon kernel, peony skin, peach kernel), which is derived by removing the ingredients. Dahuang Mudan Tang has the effects of relieving heat, promoting bowel movements, softening hardness, and dispersing lumps. It can eliminate heat and toxins from the stool, making it a powerful remedy. Honeysuckle and Scutellaria baicalensis are two medicinal herbs that can clear heat and detoxify, reduce swelling and pus discharge, and alleviate appendicitis. They are considered essential medicines. Wood fragrance and betel nut are used as adjuncts to regulate qi and promote blood circulation and relieve pain. Using a small amount of licorice can alleviate the strong nature of rhubarb and saltpeter, to prevent bitter and cold injuries, and can also harmonize various medicines, so it is called a medicinal herb. If all medicines are used together, the heat and toxins can be cleared, the qi and blood flow can be smooth, and the intestinal abscess can be cured. It is developed by Fu Jihua, a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner, specifically for appendicitis, with definite clinical efficacy and can be used with confidence.
Typical medical records
Xue Yajie, male, 21 years old. Go to the emergency department of the hospital for treatment due to severe abdominal pain. After examination, it was diagnosed as acute appendicitis. After symptomatic treatment, the pain slightly decreased, and the doctor recommended hospitalization for surgical treatment. The patient is a migrant worker working in Zhongshan City. As the Chinese New Year is approaching, the train ticket to go home has already been bought. In three days, the factory will take annual leave and they can go home. Therefore, the patient wanted to return to his hometown for surgery, and refused the doctor's suggestion of on-site hospitalization.
Later, I heard from my colleague that he could try using traditional Chinese medicine to stabilize his condition, so he came to my place for treatment. The patient was helped by a friend to my clinic and originally wanted to check if there were any signs of appendicitis with MacLehose point tenderness in the patient's lower right abdomen. As soon as he touched his right abdomen, the patient started screaming in pain. There seems to be hot air evaporating from the lower right abdomen when touched by hand, and the skin temperature is significantly higher than other parts. The patient's stool is dry and firm, the tongue coating is burnt yellow, and the pulse is smooth. The diagnosis is based on heat toxin and stagnation of the intestines and bowels. One dose of this formula is given, and instructions are given. If it does not work, go to the hospital for surgical resection as soon as possible.
The next day, the patient came to the clinic and said that after taking the medicine, there was thunder in the abdomen accompanied by intermittent abdominal pain. They believed that the condition had worsened and were about to go to the hospital when they suddenly felt a urge to defecate. A friend quickly brought a basin to the bed, and the patient pulled out half a basin of extremely foul smelling black mucus, which smoked the whole room and made everyone run out. After passing the stool, I felt a significant reduction in abdominal pain and suddenly felt much more relaxed. If the effect is not improved, we will give our prescription seven doses and ask them to take it home to continue the treatment. After the end of this year, he returned to the factory to work. Yesterday, he brought a local specialty to his girlfriend to see her menstrual pain and informed her that she had recovered from the illness and was spared from the pain of a knife. His gratitude was evident in his words.
The above formula is the result of careful research by Fu Jihua, a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner, and has been clinically applied with excellent therapeutic effects. Today, I am sharing with you publicly in the hope that you can forward and pass on the message, so that more appendicitis patients can avoid the pain of surgical resection!
Forward to friends, spread the good prescription, benefit the world, accumulate virtue and do good deeds, and bless future generations!