The secret recipe for kidney stones is now publicly available for those in need!
Release time:2024-09-25 13:42:05
Word Count:4786
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Kidney stones are very common in clinical practice, and many people suffer from this disease. When suffering from kidney stones, the pain is unimaginable for most people! Describing it as unbearable pain is not an exaggeration!
This type of pain is called "renal colic", which often occurs suddenly. The patient experiences severe pain, resembling a knife cut, radiating down the affected ureter towards the lower abdomen, external genitalia, and inner thigh. Sometimes patients with kidney stones may have pale complexion, cold sweat, nausea, vomiting, and in severe cases, shock symptoms such as weak pulse and decreased blood pressure!
Western medicine treatment for kidney stones requires surgical intervention, and traditional Chinese medicine is a precious legacy left to us by our ancestors. In the thousands of years of production and life of ancient ancestors, herbaceous plants that can dissolve stones and facilitate stone removal were discovered. After years of clinical verification, I have come up with a practical and effective stone removal secret recipe. Today, I am making it public, hoping to relieve the pain of patients who are suffering from kidney stones.

*Kidney Stone Secret Recipe*
Quick acting stone removing soup
Ingredients: 120g Sichuan Daye Jinqiancao, 30g Chuanchuanshi, 30g Haijinsha, 15g Shiwei, 6g Huoniu (ground powder mixed), 60g Wuyao, 9g Muxiang, 30g talc, 30g Sichuan Achyranthes, 3g licorice.
Effect: Diuretic, promoting diuresis, clearing stones, and relieving pain.
Indications: Kidney stones, ureteral stones, bladder stones.
Usage: Boil in water and take one dose per day.

Definition of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Fang Jie: In the formula, Jinqiancao is used to clear heat and dampness, and fossils are used to remove stones. It is highly valued as a ruler. Among them, Chuanchuanshi, Haijinsha, and Shiwei are particularly good at fossils. According to the "Shennong Bencao Jing," Chuanchuanshi can dissolve 72 types of stones. Haijinsha fossils can also relieve pain, while Shiwei fossils can also stop bleeding. Each of the four medicines has its own function. Together, they are used as official medicines, accompanied by Wuyao and Muxiang to regulate qi and relieve pain. They also use the smoothness of talc and the use of Achyranthes bidentata to induce stones to descend. The combination of various medicines, with a small and specialized formula, has a very good therapeutic effect. It is developed by Fu Jihua, a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner, specifically for urinary system stones. After clinical verification, the efficacy is definite and can be used with confidence.
Attention: Fire nitrate is also not saltpeter (please refer to Baidu for specific effects of this dinitrate)
Glauber's salt: also known as sodium sulfate, Glauber's salt
Fire nitrate: also known as flame nitrate, potassium saltpeter, etc., also known as bitter nitrate, flame nitrate, saltpeter, ground frost, raw nitrate, Northern Emperor Xuanzhu. Stone drip: unable to urinate, only stone sand is added. For those with abdominal distension and pain, high-quality fire nitrate stones can be used. The medicine powder must be first stir fried in a pot with paper and then sent down with warm water.
Typical medical records
Wang X, male, 43 years old, was admitted to the hospital due to lower back pain and interrupted urination. After B-ultrasound examination, it was found that he had a right kidney stone and hydronephrosis. Urinalysis shows the presence of red blood cells. After undergoing spasmolysis and pain relief, as well as extracorporeal lithotripsy treatment in the hospital, no significant improvement was observed. Please consult with a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner.
Diagnosis: Painful facial features, unbearable lower back pain, solid right ulnar pulse.
Diagnosis: Shilin
Pathogenesis: Suffering from dampness and heat, turning into sand and gravel
Treatment: Fossil stone removal, diuresis and drainage
Formula: Quick acting stone removing soup
Prescription: Same as above
The patient reported that the pain was greatly relieved after taking one dose of medication, and on the fifth day, there were stones the size of soybeans that were excreted through urine. Seven doses of medication were taken and B-ultrasound was rechecked, with no abnormalities reported. The stone is discharged and healed. And use products that clear heat and promote dampness to treat the aftermath.
Fu Jihua, a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner, publicly discloses his family's secret recipe, hoping to help those patients who have suffered from illnesses and relieve their pain as soon as possible. Let everyone no longer hesitate about high medical expenses when they are sick. Follow the prescription and go to any pharmacy near you to get medicine.