Don t be afraid of skin diseases, once the secret recipe is released, it can be cured
Release time:2024-09-26 13:37:15
Word Count:4323
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Recently, many friends with urticaria and eczema have come to seek medical attention. The common reaction of these patients is that they have a lot of rashes on their bodies, unbearable itching, and the more they scratch, the more painful it is. The use of Western medicine for anti allergy and hormone therapy can only provide temporary relief, but cannot completely cure the condition.
Serious Declaration
The prescriptions disclosed here are all the crystallization of the clinical experience of Fu Jihua, a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner. They are scientifically rigorous and clinically effective prescriptions. This is not a folk remedy or folk remedy spread by non professionals on the internet! As long as the diagnosis is clear and the corresponding prescription is chosen according to the condition, there will be good therapeutic effects, and you can use it with confidence!
Etiology and pathogenesis
Traditional Chinese medicine believes that urticaria and eczema are caused by the invasion of wind, dampness, and heat, which spread throughout the skin's pores. Symptoms include itching (wind) on the skin, prominent redness (heat) on the rash, and overflow (dampness) of saliva after scratching. Treatment should focus on dispersing wind pathogens and clearing dampness and heat.

*Experience based approach*
Qufeng Dehumidification Soup
Ingredients: 6g Jingjie, 6g Fangfeng, 15g Sophora flavescens, 30g Baixianpi, 30g Difuzi, 9g Cangzhu, 6g Cicada molt.
Effect: Dispelling wind and dampness, clearing heat and relieving itching.
Indications: Eczema and Urticaria.
Usage: Take one dose per day and boil twice in water.
Caution: Avoid spicy food, seafood, etc.

Definition of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Solution: The formula contains catnip, windproof and wind dispelling herbs, Sophora flavescens for clearing heat, Atractylodes macrocephala for drying dampness, and white ringworm skin and earth skin for relieving itching. It cleverly uses cicada molt to stimulate the meridians and promote digestion. Cicada molt is the outer shell left behind when cicada larvae transform into cicadas, which in the human body is equivalent to human skin. Fu Jihua, a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner, believes that the use of analogical thinking in traditional Chinese medicine can be extended to the effect of "inducing various medicines to reach the skin and pores". The wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine is not imagined out of thin air, and modern medical research has also confirmed that cicada molt has a clear therapeutic effect on skin diseases. When combined with various medicines, the evil qi can be eliminated and the rash will disappear on its own.

*Experience based approach*
Dehumidification and itching relieving ointment
Formula: 30g Sophora flavescens, 15g Tinea alba, 15g Kochia scoparia, 15g Sichuan pepper, 15g Atractylodes macrocephala, 9g Dafengzi, 9g Rheum palmatum, 15g alum, 6g peppermint, 6g borneol, 450ml 75% medical alcohol.
Method: Grind the above medicine into coarse powder, soak it in alcohol, seal for seven days, and it is ready.
Effect: Clearing heat and dampness, dispelling wind and itching.
Indications: eczema, prickly heat, urticaria, etc.
Usage: For external use (apply to the affected area).

Note: This formula is for external use and is intended to treat the symptoms. When used in combination with the aforementioned oral formula, it can effectively treat both the symptoms and root causes. I have been using it for many years and it has shown immediate results, as it can quickly relieve itching and alleviate pain.
The above two formulas should be taken orally to address the etiology, pathogenesis, and treatment of the disease. For those in urgent need of topical treatment, it can quickly relieve itching and alleviate pain. Simultaneous application of both methods can achieve the effect of treating both the symptoms and root causes.
The above two formulas are both the result of years of research and clinical experience by Fu Jihua, a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner. Today, we are sharing them with everyone in the hope that they can be forwarded and passed on to relieve the pain of more patients suffering from illness.
Forward it to friends and spread the good prescription, so that they can get rid of illness and enjoy good health as soon as possible!