Traditional Chinese Medicine s Dehumidification and Spleen Strengthening Tea
Release time:2024-09-27 13:27:42
Word Count:2120
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During the summer solstice season, our bodies consume a lot and nutrients are lost quickly every day. Modern people also like cold food, and their digestive function is relatively weak, which can easily damage the spleen and stomach. So what tea drinks can be taken in daily life to dehumidify and invigorate the spleen? Below is a tea drink for dehumidifying and invigorating the spleen. Boiling it as tea can supplement the nutrients consumed by our body and invigorate the spleen and dispel dampness.
10 grams each of Huangqi, Huai Yam, Fuling, Job's tears, and Lotus seeds
Boil water according to the above ratio and drink it as tea
Analysis of Tea Recipe
Huangqi flavor: sweet, slightly warm, enters the lungs, spleen meridian. Can play a role in stabilizing the surface, tonifying the middle, nourishing qi, and strengthening the spleen
The efficacy of yam: nourishing the kidneys and essence, benefiting the lungs and cough, reducing blood sugar, strengthening the spleen and stomach, aiding digestion, strengthening the kidneys and essence, improving hearing and vision, and prolonging life.
Coix seed is sweet, light, and cool, returning to the spleen meridian, stomach meridian, and lung meridian. It has the effects of strengthening the spleen, removing dampness, stopping diarrhea, clearing heat, and eliminating pus.
Poria cocos has a sweet and mild taste, a balanced nature, and can be found in the heart, lungs, spleen, and kidney meridians. It has the effects of strengthening the spleen and tonifying the middle, promoting diuresis and dampness.
Lotus seeds have a mild nature and a sweet taste. They enter the Spleen Meridian, Heart Meridian, and Kidney Meridian, and have the effects of nourishing the middle and qi, strengthening the spleen, nourishing yin and reducing fire, and connecting the heart and kidneys.
【 Health benefits 】
Dehumidification and Jianpi Tea has the effects of dispelling dampness and clearing heat, strengthening the spleen and stomach, nourishing the heart and nourishing the kidneys. It is easy to make and suitable for summer consumption (pregnant women should use it with caution)