Exhausted both physically and mentally, unable to muster energy every day. What s going on?
Release time:2024-09-27 17:49:37
Word Count:4796
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In today's society, there is a common phenomenon of not daring to slack off at work for fear of being laid off due to internal competition, market environment, and other factors; After work, I have to continue working at home, cleaning, cooking, tutoring my children with homework... the work seems to be never-ending.
So, many people often feel powerless, feeling tired from waking up every day, always feeling a big stone pressing on their chest, making it hard for them to breathe.
Where does' powerless' come from?
Some people may experience dissatisfaction due to issues such as economic income, marriage, and children's education that have not met their expectations. Over time, this may develop into a negative state, manifested as daily complaints and lack of energy. This is actually a manifestation of low self-efficacy. Simply put, 'self-efficacy' can be understood as' confidence ', as these individuals are unable to accurately assess their abilities and levels, and may even exhibit extreme denial of everything.
At this point, in order to reverse this lack of confidence, it is necessary to engage in positive self suggestion, re recognize and affirm oneself, and use the power of self suggestion to make oneself stronger day by day.
Both physical and mental exhaustion have internal causes
In addition to external factors, the following three are internal reasons that cause many people to feel physically and mentally exhausted.
One is unhealthy lifestyle habits, including sleep habits, dietary habits, and exercise habits. Sleep is like a process of "recharging" energy for the human body. People with irregular sleep patterns who have a habit of staying up late for a long time often have poor sleep quality, resulting in poor "recharging" effect and naturally being in a drowsy "low battery" state every day. The human body supplements its energy needs through diet, and unhealthy eating habits such as overeating spicy and stimulating foods, junk food, and overeating or dieting are not conducive to the body's "energy replenishment". In addition, lack of exercise, excessive intake of caffeine and alcohol can also easily make the body feel tired.
Secondly, poor health condition. Both physical and mental workers, as long as the work intensity is too high and energy is excessively consumed, will show signs of overwork, such as fatigue and lack of energy. At the same time, physiological diseases, aging, and other factors can also lead to a natural decline in bodily functions, resulting in a feeling of 'inability to cope'.
Thirdly, there are too many negative emotions. Negative emotions such as anxiety, depression, and excessive stress can all weaken a person's intrinsic motivation and cause them to lose their enthusiasm for life.
Traditional Chinese Medicine regulates' insufficient mental strength '
Insufficient mental strength is often related to the imbalance of yin and yang in physical constitution. It can be regulated from aspects such as daily life, diet, and emotions to help restore physical and mental balance.
23:00 to 1am is the main time of the liver meridian. The liver is responsible for regulating ejaculation, and falling asleep before 23:00 can help regulate liver blood and promote physical and mental recovery. You can choose less intense exercises such as Tai Chi, Baduanjin, yoga, etc., which can help regulate qi and blood and enhance physical fitness.
According to traditional Chinese medicine theory, emotional injuries can affect the function of the five organs. It advocates maintaining a balanced mindset through emotional regulation, such as cultivating an optimistic attitude towards life, using humorous language in a timely manner, learning to view problems from different perspectives, etc., to help oneself develop an interest in life. It can also help achieve a state of physical and mental harmony by regulating breathing.
Avoid consuming overly greasy and spicy foods in diet, and eat more light and easily digestible foods. People who are prone to fatigue can eat some foods that nourish qi and blood appropriately, such as jujube, wolfberry, astragalus, angelica, ginseng, etc; If you have symptoms of being afraid of cold and having cold limbs, you can eat some warm and nourishing foods such as lamb, longan, ginger, etc.
Deep breathing decompression method
【 Method 】 Choose a quiet and comfortable environment, place your hand on your abdomen, take a deep breath through your nose, and feel your abdomen become fuller with the air intake. Then, exhale slowly through your mouth and feel your abdomen gradually deflate. The breathing rhythm is inhalation for 4 seconds, hold breath for 7 seconds, and exhale for 8 seconds.
[Effect] This rhythmic breathing can help the body relax by slowing down the speed of inhalation and exhalation.