Starting autumn with moxibustion at Guan Yuan, nourishing and strengthening the body, protecting Yang Qi, and avoiding illness for a year
Release time:2024-09-28 13:19:25
Word Count:5779
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Liqiu is the thirteenth solar term among the twenty-four solar terms and also the first solar term of autumn. From this day on, the weather gradually changed from stuffy to cool. However, due to the fact that the beginning of autumn often falls at the end of the dog days, when the heat of summer has not dissipated, the autumn sun is raging, and many areas often experience a "heat flow" rebound. This sudden high temperature weather is also known as the 'autumn tiger'.
Balancing the treatment of dampness and dryness
At the junction of summer and autumn, it is easy to experience warmth and dryness. During this transitional period, after summer, dampness still lingers in the body, while the external environment has begun to become dry, making the human body susceptible to the impact of this conflict and causing various discomforts.
At this point, it is necessary to treat dampness or dryness according to the specific external situation. If there is both dampness and dryness, it is necessary to balance the treatment of dampness and dryness.
To treat dampness, you can boil coix seed and adzuki beans in water for drinking.
To treat dryness, one can drink pear water, sour plum soup, etc.
Some people are prone to stomach problems if their bodies become damp and they eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. So during the transition between summer and autumn, one should be vigilant and pay attention to preventing gastrointestinal diseases.
Autumn Health Preservation and Rebalance
The Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon states: "In the third month of autumn, this is called Rongping. The weather is urgent, the earth's qi is clear, and one should lie down early and wake up early. This will bring peace to the mind, slow down the autumn punishment, restrain one's spirit, and make the autumn qi calm. There is no other will, and make the lung qi clear. This is the way to nourish and harvest the autumn qi." The meaning of this passage is that after the emergence of spring and the long-term cultivation of summer, all things naturally mature in autumn and are in a rich, calm, and peaceful state, which is called "Rongping". Autumn is the season for the lungs, so it is also the season for the convergence of yang qi, the growth of yin essence, and the clearing of lung qi in the human body.
In terms of daily life, one should go to bed early and wake up early, go to the forest to breathe fresh air at the right time, take a few deep breaths, and eliminate harmful substances from the body.
After the beginning of autumn, the temperature difference between day and night increases. At this time, attention should be paid to preventing catching a cold at night, avoiding air conditioning as much as possible, opening windows frequently, and maintaining indoor air circulation.
In terms of exercise, individuals can engage in gentle outdoor activities such as walking, jogging, and outings according to their physical condition. Before exercising, it is necessary to prepare for the activity to avoid muscle injuries.
The method of relieving autumn fatigue
stretch oneself
It has a good "relieving autumn fatigue" effect, which can increase the pressure on the heart and lungs appropriately, promote the pumping of blood by the heart, improve the overall oxygen supply capacity, and ensure sufficient blood flow to the brain. People can naturally feel refreshed and tired, and the fatigue will dissipate.
Tianmen acupoint opening method
The fingertips of both hands are tightly attached to the Yin Tang acupoint (located between the eyebrows and eyebrows), and the remaining fingers are fixed on both sides of the head.
First, move the left thumb vertically upwards from the Yintang acupoint until it reaches a position 1 inch above the center of the front hairline. Then, alternately massage the left lower, right upper, left upper, and right lower thumbs of both hands, gradually progressing from slow to fast and from light to heavy, repeating the massage for about 1 minute.
Massage moxibustion helps with "convergence"
At the beginning of autumn, the qi of the human body begins to converge, preparing for "winter storage". Massage or guidance can not only relax the body and mind, but also help to regulate qi and prevent and treat diseases.
In ancient times, there was a saying that 'moxibustion on Qi Sea at the beginning of spring and moxibustion on Guan Yuan at the beginning of autumn'. The following are several acupoints suitable for massaging during the Liqiu solar term. It should be noted that those who have serious underlying diseases or are pregnant must consult a professional physician and self massage under their guidance.
Guan Yuan acupoint
【 Positioning 】 Guanyuan acupoint is located on the lower abdomen, anterior midline, and 3 inches below the navel.
【 Massage Method 】
Tap method: Use both middle fingers to massage this acupoint with appropriate force, massage for 5 minutes each time, once in the morning and once in the evening.
Abdominal massage method: Place both hands together and press on the area where the Guan Yuan acupoint is located. Gently and clockwise massage in circular motions.
【 Function 】 This product is designed to nourish and strengthen the body, restore yang energy, and regulate yang qi. It is suitable for people with weak constitution, back pain, and easy sweating after activities.
Dazhui acupoint
[Location] In the neck, at the depression below the spinous process of the 7th cervical vertebra.
【 Massage Method 】 You can tap and rub the Dazhui acupoint for 60 seconds. If you have a cold body or are prone to catching a cold in autumn and winter, you can use moxa sticks to warm moxibustion this acupoint.
【 Function 】 Tonifying Qi and strengthening Yang, can prevent colds, improve discomfort in the neck and shoulders, and alleviate discomfort.