12 types of health recipes soup
Release time:2024-09-29 14:00:52
Word Count:4073
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Take a look at these classic soup recipes, and you'll know how to drink soup in the future!
1. Chestnut and Huaishan Pig Hoof Soup
Ingredients: 26 fresh chestnuts, 50 grams of Huaishan, 4 red dates, 1 pair of pig trotters, and 3 slices of ginger.
Effect: It can strengthen spleen and stomach function, nourish kidney qi, benefit waist and knees, nourish intestines and stomach, and reduce constipation.
2. Cabbage dried tofu and duck head soup
Material Science; 75 grams of dried cabbage, 2 pieces of tofu, 25 grams of water chestnuts, 25 grams of Job's tears, 4 honey dates, an appropriate amount of dried tangerine peel, and preserved duck head with neck
2 pieces, 300g duck meat, and 3 slices of ginger.
Effect: Nourish yin and reduce fire, moisten restlessness and nourish stomach, promote diuresis and reduce swelling, clear heat and nourish yin, eliminate fire and lower qi, nourish brain and qi.
3. Braised fish soup with Pueraria lobata
Ingredients: Pueraria lobata, mud carp
Effect: Strengthen muscles and bones, promote qi circulation and blood circulation, eliminate water and dampness
4. Pitcher Plant Red Bean Hengli Soup
Ingredients: 20 grams of Nepenthes (45 grams of fresh), 50 grams of adzuki beans, 3 slices of Hengli pig, and 3 slices of ginger.
Effect: Clearing heat and dampness, resolving phlegm and cough, moistening lung yin, clearing lung heat and reducing dampness, treating sores, clearing accumulation and removing phlegm.
5. Floating Wheat Ginseng Huai Cattle Exhibition Soup
Ingredients: 25g floating wheat, 25g Codonopsis pilosula, 25g Huaishan, 25g round meat, 600g Niuzhan, and 3 slices of ginger.
Effect: Tonifying essence and blood, strengthening spleen and stomach, tonifying spleen and calming nerves, nourishing yin and qi, moistening blood and meridians.
6. Mianyin Chen Pot Carp Soup
Mianyinchen, crucian carp
Effect: It has a dehumidification and anti allergic effect on urticaria and frequent itching of hands and feet.
7. Cherry Blossoms and Zexie Braised Lean Meat Soup
Ingredients: 12g Golden Cherry, 12g Alisma, 300g Lean Meat
Effect: Spleen and stomach deficiency, yin deficiency with excessive fire, stomach cold accompanied by liver qi stagnation (breast hyperplasia, rib pain).
8. Stewed old duck with tangerine peel
Ingredients: 10g Chenpi, 1 Guanglao duck, 3 slices of ginger
Effect: Regulate qi and invigorate the spleen, dry dampness and reduce phlegm, moisten the lungs and cough, nourish yin and blood, invigorate the spleen and awaken the stomach.
9. Papaya pot with duck or papaya pot with pork belly
Ingredients: 1000g papaya, 1 duck, 3 slices of ginger, or 1 pork belly.
Effect: Papaya stewed pork belly is a female longevity soup, papaya stewed duck is a male longevity soup, nourishing yin, nourishing blood and moistening without dryness.
10. Huaishan Sand Ginseng Jade Bamboo Goose Soup
Ingredients: 15g sand ginseng, 30g Huaishan, 15g Yuzhu, 250g goose meat, 250g lean meat, and 3 slices of ginger.
Effect: It can nourish the stomach, quench thirst, replenish qi and produce fluids, relieve heat in the five organs, treat yin deficiency cough, dry mouth and thirst, prevent colds, and relieve acute and chronic branch qi
Tubulitis is beneficial to diabetes.
11. Black bean carp soup or black bean pot pond bream soup
Ingredients: 60g black beans, 600g carp, 150g lean meat, half dried tangerine peel, and 3 slices of ginger.
Effect: Strong muscles and bones, pleasing appearance, black beard and hair, improving vision, calming the heart, prolonging life, and can treat premature graying of beard and hair.
12. Lily, tangerine peel, crucian carp soup
Ingredients: 80g lily, 5g tangerine peel, 2 crucian carp, 200g lean meat, and 3 slices of ginger.
Effect: It can clear heat and stimulate appetite, invigorate the spleen and nourish the body, promote edema, clear heat and detoxify, and promote digestion and qi circulation.
By using this safest and most affordable health soup, you can regulate your own and your family's bodies, stay away from illness, and bid farewell
hospital! Quickly forward, bookmark, spread health, and help those in need!