10 recipes and soups for health preservation
Release time:2024-09-29 14:02:33
Word Count:3502
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Take a look at these classic soup recipes, and you'll know how to drink soup in the future!
1. Braised alligator or loquat leaves with South and North apricots and stewed crucian carp
Ingredients: 15g of North South apricots, 150g of crocodile meat, 200g of lean meat, or 12g of South apricots, 20g of loquat leaves, and 1 white crucian carp.
Effect: Relieve cough and improve respiratory immunity.
2. Papaya and squid soup
Ingredients: 500g papaya, 500g fresh squid, 300g pork ribs, and 3 slices of ginger.
Effect: Nourish the liver and kidneys, nourish blood and yin, and have the effects of improving vision, promoting menstruation, preventing miscarriage, facilitating childbirth, stopping bleeding, and promoting lactation.
3. Beiqi or glutinous rice root braised grouper soup
Materials: Beiqi, glutinous rice root, mountain spotted fish
Effect: Due to physical yin deficiency, prone to cold sweating, and sweating after autumn, it has the effect of boosting qi and reducing sweating.
4. Dried beans cooked with grass carp and fish tail
Ingredients: 100g dried beans, 1 carp tail, 3 slices of ginger.
Effect: It can invigorate the spleen and qi, relieve heat and dampness, and assist in the treatment of joint pain, blurred vision, hypertension and other diseases caused by liver yang hyperactivity.
5. Glutinous rice root, Taizi ginseng, boiled loach and fish soup
Ingredients: 25g glutinous rice roots, 15g ginseng, 250g loach fish.
Effect: Postpartum Yin deficiency and excessive sweating, causing children to sleep excessively.
6. Fuling Huangjing Oyster Soup
Ingredients: 20 grams of Poria cocos, 20 grams of Polygonatum sibiricum, 8 red dates, 300 grams of fresh oysters, 350 grams of chicken, and 3 slices of ginger.
Effect: Whitening and cleansing the skin, tonifying the kidneys and strengthening yang, and relieving erysipelas. It can also calm the heart, calm the mind, invigorate the spleen, absorb dampness, nourish blood, and nourish qi, making it a beautiful autumn soup.
7. Double Ren Stewed Pig Heart Soup
Ingredients: 12g sour jujube kernels, 20g cypress kernels, 10g round meat, and 1 pig heart.
Effect: Soothe the mind and calm the nerves, nourish kidney yin, and help with sleep.
8. Earth Fish Lean Meat Rolling Tofu Soup
Ingredients: Half a piece of ground fish, 150g lean meat, 1 piece of tofu, 20g of bamboo shoots, 4 slices of ginger, and 2 pieces of green onions.
Effect: Awakening and delicious, nourishing soup for autumn.
9. Sand ginseng, jade bamboo, Job's tears, and pig's feet tendon soup
Ingredients: 25 grams of jade bamboo, 25 grams of sand ginseng, 10 grams of Job's tears, 250 grams of pork tendon, 250 grams of pork ribs, and 3 slices of ginger.
Effect: Nourish the spleen and lungs, clear heat and dampness, strengthen the feet and bones, and can be consumed regularly for rough skin and dry autumn.
10. snow pear Mahuang lean meat soup
Ingredients: 12g each for north and south apricots, 2 for snow pear, 8g for ephedra, 200g for lean meat, and 3 for honey dates.
Effect: It has the functions of moistening the lungs, resolving phlegm, stopping cough, reducing fever, lowering fire, clearing the heart, relieving sores and toxins, and relieving alcohol toxicity. It also has the effect of warming the middle, nourishing qi, benefiting the lungs, and stopping cough.
By using this safest and most affordable health soup, you can regulate your own and your family's bodies, stay away from illness, and bid farewell
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