The ancestral secret recipe for burns!
Release time:2024-09-30 17:48:36
Word Count:4844
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In daily life, burns are inevitable, ranging from mild redness, swelling, and pain to severe skin and flesh ulcers, facial deformities, and even lifelong scars
In order to help those patients who have suffered greatly, I will always treasure the secret recipe for treating burns
To the public, I hope to benefit all living beings!

Family tradition burn ointment
Ingredients: 50g of Eucommia ulmoides, 30g of Polygonum cuspidatum, 30g of purple grass, 20g of Huanglian, 20g of Scutellaria baicalensis, 20g of rhubarb, and white? 20g, ice flakes
5g, 600ml sesame oil, 10g beeswax.
Method: Soak the remaining medicine except for ice cream and beeswax in sesame oil for 72 hours, fry over low heat until it turns yellow, filter, and stand
Add beeswax, when the temperature of the medicinal oil drops to around 60 degrees, add ice flakes, and cool to obtain.
Effect: Clearing heat and detoxifying, promoting skin regeneration in patients with acne.
Treatment: Burn.
Usage: Take an appropriate amount of ointment and apply it to the affected area.

Explanation: The elm in the formula is a holy medicine for burns, and it is highly valued as a royal medicine. Tiger cane, purple grass clear heat and detoxify, cool blood and promote blood circulation, especially good at treating
Treating burns and scalds is a commonly used medication for treating burns and scalds. Scutellaria baicalensis, Huanglian, and Dahuang are used to clear heat and relieve internal heat
Poison, Baiji clears heat and eliminates carbuncles, tightens sores and promotes muscle growth, and promotes the growth of granulation tissue in wound skin. The four drugs are combined as adjuncts. Ice flakes clear heat
To relieve pain and promote drug absorption, in order to make the medicine effective.
Note: Our formula is a cream passed down from my family that specializes in treating burns and has cured many burn patients. This formula has the functions of clearing heat, detoxifying, and healing sores
The efficacy of this medicine has been clinically proven for many years to have the advantages of generating muscle, long mouth, fast healing, and leaving no scars. Pain in early burn patients
It's unbearable, and the only drawback of this medicine is its poor analgesic effect.

Huajiazang and Fangji
Shichuan Burn Cream
Ingredients: 100g quicklime, 500ml drinking water, 120ml sesame oil.
Method: Dissolve quicklime in water, stir, clarify, take 200ml of supernatant, add 120ml of sesame oil and stir evenly,
At this point, it will turn into a milky white ointment.
Effect: Clearing heat and detoxifying, reducing swelling and relieving pain.
Treatment: Burn.
Usage: Take an appropriate amount of ointment and apply it to the affected area.

This prescription is passed down by my second master, a renowned doctor from eastern Henan, also known as Jiang Yitian. He is well-known for treating burns far and wide! He prepared it
Burn medicine is also unbelievable and breathtaking!
His burn medicine is actually a white ointment made of lime water, and after applying it to burn patients, the pain can be completely relieved within two to three minutes
Disappeared, it can be called a masterpiece.
Later on, I discovered in clinical practice that this medicine was particularly effective in relieving pain in the early stages of burns, but it was effective in treating the later stages of fat growth and mouth tightening
The effectiveness is not as good as the burn ointment passed down from my family.

Jihua Burn Double Sword Cream
Ingredients: 500ml lime supernatant, 50g ground elm, 30g tiger cane, 30g purple grass, 20g Huanglian, 20g Huangqin, rhubarb
20g, white? 20g, 5g ice flakes, 600ml sesame oil.
Method: Soak the remaining medication except for ice flakes in sesame oil for 72 hours, fry over low heat until dry and yellow, filter, and add ice flakes,
Obtain burn oil. Mix burn oil with lime supernatant and stir evenly to obtain.
Effect: Clearing heat and detoxifying, reducing swelling and pain, astringing sores and promoting muscle growth.
Treatment: Burn.

Due to the advantages and disadvantages of the burn ointment passed down from my family and my master, neither can be considered a perfect treatment plan,
So I spend my days pondering over what better way to solve the above technical problems. One day, I had a sudden idea. Since two drugs are superior
The disadvantages are complementary, can they be used together. After having this idea, I quickly took action and formulated this medicine
Come on, after repeated clinical verification, the therapeutic effect is particularly good, proving that my thinking is not wrong. As the saying goes, 'The two swords are united.'
Bi, invincible in the world.
Our herbal medicine is cheap, simple and practical, with excellent therapeutic effects. It can be purchased in general Chinese medicine stores and is suitable for popularization and promotion.
