The secret to nourishing blood and liver for women
Release time:2024-10-03 17:22:40
Word Count:6903
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If one does not follow the principles of qi and goes against the principles of the flesh, it will lead to carbuncle and swelling. "-" Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon, Su Wen, Qi Qi Tong Tian Lun Chapter 3 "
What clinical phenomena can we associate with reading this passage? Contrary to the principles of the flesh, some people go through the liver meridian and feel depressed and painful under both sides, including the breasts, feeling a lack of qi and blood flow. Especially before menstruation, the breasts may become swollen or painful, which is known as liver depression. The obstruction of qi and blood in the liver meridian is manifested in gynecology, that is, in the uterus, by the growth of uterine fibroids, which grow on the inner wall, muscular wall layer, and membrane layer of the uterus.
Fibroids are not as destructive to the uterus itself, but if they grow on the inner wall, there will be a lot during menstruation. If they grow on the muscle layer of the outer wall of the uterus, they have little impact on the uterus, but they are also a type of tumor. This type of uterine fibroid grows on the muscle layer. Many people ask if there are muscles in the internal organs? Of course, there are muscles in the internal organs, just like the heart has myocardium. The heart itself is a type of muscle, but unlike skeletal muscles, legs, and arms, skeletal muscles can move freely. Our visceral muscles and brain cannot be controlled, for example, can we control the heart to beat 70 times per minute? I can't control it. If you want your heart to beat faster with your brain, can your heart beat faster? No, it's not casual muscle.
This is' Ying Qi does not obey ', which refers to the lack of blood and gas flow. If the muscles do not comply or resist, it will lead to swelling. Swelling can be understood as a mass that arises from various factors, including diseases such as tumors. So, the treatment method is actually very simple. For women, the treatment method for this type of disease is to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, soothe the liver and regulate qi. While promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, it is necessary to cooperate with soothing the liver and regulating qi. While soothing the liver and regulating qi, it is also necessary to cooperate with promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. These two points work together. Generally, tumors, including breast tumors, are located in the liver meridian. After liver depression and qi stagnation occur, tumors will grow in the breast. Before and after menstruation, the breast will swell and ache. When going to the hospital for examination, it is found that there is breast hyperplasia, breast nodules or fibroids in the breast. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, these tissues belong to the "flesh structure", which refers to diseases inside the flesh folds, including the uterine fibroids mentioned earlier.
How to treat this disease? Although the Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon does not use the original text to tell, it tells about pathology. After explaining the pathology, we can infer its underlying mechanism of treatment, which is medical theory. The treatment involves using methods that promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, as well as using medication that promotes blood circulation and removes blood stasis, and then using methods that soothe the liver and regulate qi. Using acupuncture and moxibustion is to promote qi, activate blood and soothe liver, and acupoints are used together for treatment. During this process, it is also necessary to calm the patient's own mood, make them calm and composed, not angry or anxious. Many people say, "Dr. Peng, not angry, not in a hurry. These six words may sound simple, but it's difficult to achieve them." It requires accumulation, understanding, and practice in life. Why is it said to be difficult? In fact, my feeling is that there are many things in life, and we hope to achieve a result that is not angry or anxious. The process must be an improvement in wisdom. After the improvement of wisdom and cognition, things become calm and effortless. Wisdom has not improved, and cognition remains at a relatively low level. A shallow understanding will lead to a lack of control over things and a lack of understanding of their origins and development. At this point, there will be a sense of insecurity and fear. The pressure caused by fear, when it becomes too great, can easily lead to irritable emotions, inability to hold back things, and easily become angry and anxious.
We have studied traditional culture and the teachings of sages, and we know that in this process, we must cultivate our mentality, be calm and composed, and adjust our temper. At the same time as adjusting one's temper, one's mind can become calm. Once the mind becomes calm, one can perceive where the problem lies. Only after understanding where the problem lies can wisdom be generated. This is a virtuous cycle. Once wisdom is generated, problems can be solved very reasonably and easily. So whether it's at home, in career, or at various stages of life, one must cultivate one word, which is "stillness", quiet "stillness". After you have fully calmed down in your heart, wisdom will arise. After gaining wisdom, one can solve problems without worrying themselves, so it's important to grasp the key points. This "stillness" is also repeatedly emphasized in the Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon as "yang qi, essence nourishes the spirit, and softness nourishes the muscles". This "essence" and "softness" to some extent refer to the meaning of "stillness" and "peace", which means that if a person's mental state is quiet, their yang qi will be sufficient, their spirit will be vigorous, and their muscles and bones will be soft.
As we mentioned earlier, "Under the teachings of ancient sages, it is commonly referred to as the wind of emptiness, evil, and theft. Avoiding it at times, being calm and empty, following the true qi, guarding the spirit, and being safe from illness?" This means "guarding the spirit, being calm and empty", allowing the mind to fully calm down, often problems can be resolved automatically, and wisdom can be generated. Therefore, I hope that through studying the Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon, all listeners can also cultivate a very important mentality, which is physical and mental tranquility. If you calm down and remain calm, you will find that many problems will be easily solved and your body will automatically improve.

Disclaimer: This article is a sharing of health knowledge. The drugs, prescriptions, acupuncture and moxibustion and other treatment and health preserving methods mentioned in this article should be applied under the guidance of professional doctors, and should not be applied by yourself. We are not responsible for any issues arising from improper use.