Traditional Chinese Medicine's Hypoglycemic Tea
Release time:2024-10-05 17:45:25
Word Count:3721
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I remember there was a class reunion where three of the most successful classmates in their careers took out a small bottle of medicine together. When everyone thought it was some kind of supplement, they found out it was a hypoglycemic drug. One said it was imported, and the other said it was the best and smallest. They compared who had the best medicine, which was very funny. In fact, when a person reaches a certain age, what should be compared is health rather than wealth, let alone expensive drugs. Nowadays, there are many people with high blood sugar due to various reasons, mainly including irregular eating and living habits, poor work and rest habits, less exercise, genetic factors, endocrine disorders, excessive mental stress, menopause, etc. diabetes is considered as an incurable disease by western medicine, and they end up taking medicine or taking insulin.
However, diabetes belongs to the category of diabetes in traditional Chinese medicine. The causes of diabetes are mostly congenital endowment deficiency, or improper diet, such as long-term overeating, fat and sweet, mellow wine and thick taste, spicy and dry, damaging the spleen and stomach, causing dereliction of duty in the movement of the spleen and stomach, accumulation of heat, dryness, fluid consumption and grain elimination. Or emotional disorders, long-term excessive mental stimulation, such as anger, liver damage, liver qi stagnation, or exhaustion of heart and mind, strategic thinking, etc., resulting in prolonged depression turning into fire, burning the internal heat, and reducing the heat of the lungs, stomach, and Yin fluid. If there is excessive fatigue, lack of joints in the chambers and ventricles, deficiency of kidney essence, and internal generation of deficiency fire, then the fire becomes stronger due to the exhaustion of water, and the water becomes dry due to the strong fire, resulting in kidney deficiency, lung dryness, and stomach heat. Traditional Chinese medicine treats diabetes according to syndrome differentiation, and achieves the purpose of treatment by clearing heat and moistening dryness, nourishing yin and kidney, invigorating spleen and qi, activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis. Below is a hypoglycemic tea drink that meets your needs in this area. Persisting in drinking it can achieve the effect of lowering blood sugar and nourishing the kidneys.
【 Composition of Tea Recipe 】
Stir fried Eucommia ulmoides 30g, Catnip 30g
Boil Eucommia ulmoides for 15-20 minutes according to the above ratio, then add catnip and boil together for 15 minutes as tea to drink
Analysis of Tea Recipe
Eucommia ulmoides has a warm nature and a sweet taste. Return to the liver and kidney meridians. It has the effects of tonifying the kidney and yang, nourishing the liver and kidneys, strengthening muscles and bones, dispelling wind and dampness, lowering blood pressure, stabilizing pregnancy, and enhancing immunity.
Cat whisker grass tastes sweet; Light; Slightly bitter; Having a cool nature, it has the effects of clearing heat, promoting diuresis, and clearing stones. It is recorded in the "Fujian Medicinal Journal" that cholecystitis can be treated. Modern pharmacological studies have shown that kidney tea can increase kidney weight, reduce blood urea nitrogen and creatinine, and promote kidney excretion. In addition, it also has certain antibacterial and immune response promoting effects.
【 Health Benefits 】 Hypoglycemic tea has good health benefits for people with high blood sugar and uric acid levels. Regular consumption can enhance immunity, clear heat and nourish the kidneys, promote the elimination of toxic metabolites in the body, and reduce blood uric acid levels.