Recipe for Regulating Pulmonary Nodules
Release time:2024-10-13 15:03:40
Word Count:4045
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Here are some recipes that can help regulate lung nodules:
1、 Lily snow pear Broth of white fungus Soup
1. Food preparation:
-20g dried lily, 1 snow pear, half white fungus, some rock sugar, and a little Chinese wolfberry.
2. Cooking steps:
-Soak Tremella fuciformis in clean water, remove the yellow part of the root, and tear it into small flowers. Wash the lilies and soak them in clean water.
-Peel and core snow pear and cut it into small pieces.
-Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, add Tremella fuciformis, bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce the heat until the Tremella fuciformis is gelatinous.
-Add lilies and continue boiling for about 15 minutes.
-Add snow pear pieces and cook for another 10 minutes.
-Add rock sugar and cook until melted, then sprinkle with goji berries.
3. Health benefits:
-Lily has the effects of moistening the lungs, relieving cough, clearing the heart, and calming the mind. Snow pear has the effect of clearing heat, removing phlegm, promoting fluid and moistening dryness. Tremella fuciformis is rich in glial cells, which can nourish yin and moisten the lungs. This soup has the effect of moistening the lungs, resolving phlegm, and relieving lung discomfort for patients with pulmonary nodules.
2、 Congee with Yam and Coix Seed
1. Food preparation:
-100g yam, 50g Job's tears, appropriate amount of rice, and a few red dates.
2. Cooking steps:
-Soak Job's tears in clean water for 2 hours in advance.
-Peel and wash the yam, then cut it into small pieces. Wash the rice thoroughly. Clean the red dates by removing the seeds.
-Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, then add rice and Job's tears. Bring to a boil over high heat and reduce the heat until the rice grains bloom.
-Add the yam block and red dates and continue to cook until the yam is soft and rotten and the Congee becomes thick.
3. Health benefits:
-Yam can invigorate the spleen and lungs. Coix seed has the effects of strengthening the spleen, removing dampness, clearing heat and pus. This Congee can help the patients with pulmonary nodules strengthen the spleen and lungs, remove dampness and phlegm, and strengthen the body immunity.
3、 Carrot and Honey Soup
1. Food preparation:
-One white radish and an appropriate amount of honey.
2. Cooking steps:
-Wash the white radish, peel it and cut it into thin slices.
-Put the radish slices into a bowl, add an appropriate amount of honey, and stir evenly.
-Marinate for 1-2 hours to allow the radish to juice out.
-Drink radish juice directly, or add an appropriate amount of warm water to take.
3. Health benefits:
-White radish has the effects of reducing qi and digestion, moistening the lungs and detoxifying. Honey has the effects of moistening the lungs, relieving cough, and promoting bowel movements. Carrot honey soup has a certain relieving effect on symptoms such as cough and sputum caused by pulmonary nodules.
4、 Spinach and Pig Liver Soup
1. Food preparation:
-A handful of spinach, appropriate amount of pork liver, ginger slices, cooking wine, salt, soy sauce, starch, and edible oil in moderation.
2. Cooking steps:
-Wash and cut spinach into sections. Wash and slice pig liver, soak it in clean water for a while to remove blood, then add ginger slices, cooking wine, salt, soy sauce, and starch to marinate for a while.
-Pour oil into the pot, heat up the oil, add pig liver and stir fry until it changes color, then remove and set aside.
-Add a little more oil to the pot and quickly stir fry the spinach until it's done.
-Add an appropriate amount of water and bring to a boil. Add the stir fried pork liver and bring to a boil again. Season with an appropriate amount of salt.
3. Health benefits:
-Spinach is rich in vitamins and minerals, and has the effects of nourishing blood, stopping bleeding, and promoting bowel movements. Pig liver is rich in nutrients such as iron, which have the effects of nourishing the liver, improving vision, and nourishing blood. This soup can to some extent supplement nutrition and enhance physical fitness for patients with pulmonary nodules.