Traditional Chinese Medicine s Three Essence Tea
Release time:2024-10-13 15:14:54
Word Count:2330
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Many modern people have white hair at a young age. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that white hair is usually related to both the liver and kidneys. If white hair appears, it is mostly caused by insufficient liver blood and weak kidney qi. The kidney stores essence, and its radiance lies in the hair. The liver stores blood, and hair, in addition to blood, refers to when the kidney essence and liver blood are sufficient, the hair becomes black and shiny. If the kidney essence is insufficient, the kidney cannot produce yin blood, which may lead to yin blood deficiency and insufficient nutrition for hair, making it easy to develop white hair. Below is a three essence tea drink that can nourish the kidneys and blood. It is very suitable for people with white hair caused by liver and kidney yin deficiency, especially those who feel weak and weak in the waist and knees, as well as night sweats, tinnitus, irritability, hot flashes, and so on.
【 Composition of Tea Recipe 】
20 grams of dried mulberries, 5 grams of ground bone bark, and 5 grams of Atractylodes macrocephala
Boil the offspring tea in the above proportion or brew it with boiling water for consumption.
Analysis of Tea Recipe
In the Compendium of Materia Medica, it is said that mulberries nourish the liver and kidneys, and nourish the blood. In the Compendium of Materia Medica in southern Yunnan, it is said that mulberries benefit the kidneys and strengthen the essence. Long term consumption of mulberries can cause black hair and improve vision. Mulberry is considered human essence in tea
Di Gu Pi is the root bark of goji berries and also the essence of the earth. It can clear the deficiency and heat here.
In the "Examination of Han Medicine", Cangshu is referred to as the "Heavenly Essence", and Baopuzi also calls it the "Mountain Essence".
【 Health benefits 】
Sanjing tea takes the meaning of heaven, earth, and man, tonifying the kidneys and nourishing essence, clearing the deficiency and heat of the earth bone skin, strengthening the spleen and drying dampness with Atractylodes macrocephala, and dispersing water and dampness to restrict the nourishing nature of mulberries. So it has a good health effect on modern people who are full of stress. Regular consumption can tonify the kidneys, nourish essence, and improve black hair and vision.
