Effect: Nourish qi and promote blood circulation, extinguish wind and unblock meridians. Indication: Numbness of hands and feet. Usage: Boil twice in water, one dose per day.
Huazhuo Tang has the functions of tonifying the spleen, stopping diarrhea, dispelling dampness and turbidity, improving spleen and stomach function, relieving spleen deficiency, preventing cancer and
Indications: Insomnia, frequent dreaming, and neurasthenia. Usage: Boil twice in water, one dose per day, take before bedtime for better effect. Caution: Avoid spicy food and maintain a relaxed mood.
Indications: Exudative hair loss. Method: A total of coarse powder is used to make a powder. Usage: Boil medicine to wash hair, once a day, wash for 30 minutes a day.
Effect: Warm and tonify the spleen and kidneys, strengthen the intestines and stop diarrhea. Indications: Chronic colitis. Usage: Take 9g each time, three times a day.
Effect: Clearing heat and dampness, removing blood stasis and relieving pain. Indications: Prostatitis. Usage: Boil in water and take once a day, twice a day.