No matter how much massage is ineffective? Home easy exercise to relieve sore shoulders and neck!
Quadriceps pain can be caused by various reasons, including overuse, strains, direct trauma, muscle imbalance, and potential medical conditions.
Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common diseases that cause heel pain. It involves inflammation of the plantar fascia - a tough fibrous tissue band that extends along the sole of the foot.
Chronic neck pain not only brings persistent and frequent discomfort, but also seriously affects the quality of life, even limits peoples daily activity ability, reduces work efficiency, and may lead
Hip tendinitis is caused by inflammation of the hip flexor tendon, which lifts the leg.
Modern people are prone to poor posture such as hunchback and turtle neck due to poor sitting posture and frequent bowing.
The hunchback posture, also known as thoracic kyphosis, is caused by excessive forward bending of the upper spine, resulting in a rounded back.
The radial nerve is prone to fracture, excessive callus, radial head dislocation, or surgical damage in the middle and lower third of the humerus.
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