In traditional Chinese medicine, it is said that a shoulder blade forms a knot and a breast gland has a stem. So its important to regularly unclog the shoulders, neck, and back!
Head and face lumps, mouth and tongue sores, dry and itchy throat,Frequently feeling weak, constipated, insomnia, and hair loss
Eating raw onions to treat rhinitis,Eating sesame to treat stomach acid reflux,Stir frying scallions with white heat to treat sprains....
Longevity formula,Tracheitis, Lower back pain: Yang Xiaozhong from Lanzhou City...
Treating flat warts, The child ate too much diarrhea,Remove facial wrinkles...
The liver is not like the stomach, it hurts and swells, unlike the heart, you can feel its ups and downs, but you often cant feel it.
Bite your tongue, move your tongue for health, simple yet effective, can be done anytime, anywhere, without spending a penny, comparable to kidney tonics...
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