So what causes dampness and heat or what makes hair prone to oil production? It is necessary to mention a hormone in the body called androgen.
Radish seeds, also known as radish seeds, can enter the meridians of the spleen, stomach, lungs, and large intestine. Ancient Chinese medicine said that it can digest food, guide stagnation, lower qi,
Herpes zoster is believed by traditional Chinese medicine to be caused by internal emotional injury, leading to excessive liver and gallbladder fire, spleen dampness and heat accumulation, and externa
【 Indications 】 Eczema, urticaria, allergic dermatitis.
Based on experience, for skin diseases such as flat warts, taking the traditional Chinese medicine formula Xiaoyou Tang (mulberry leaves, chrysanthemums, summer dried grass, Scutellaria baicalensis, p
Vitamin A can prevent and treat neuropathic hearing loss. Vitamin A has a special function of promoting nerve cell regeneration. Patients with neuropathic hearing loss should regularly eat foods rich
How to prevent skin diseases? How to solve the long-standing urticaria, which has particularly dry skin and is prone to occur in winter and at night? There is a wonderful recipe called Angelica sinens
The Bazhen Tang (removing Atractylodes macrocephala) contained in this formula can regulate and replenish qi and blood, improve physical fitness, and enhance the bodys ability to resist rheumatism. Am
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