The blood pressure of the human body is not constant, but fluctuates within a certain range, which is influenced by factors such as measurement time, season, and lifestyle habits.
Low temperature weather can easily cause cardiovascular diseases "Elderly" blood vessels need protection Maintain emotional stability and ensure adequate sleep.
When faced with someone getting stuck in the throat due to a foreign object What should I do?
Exercise is recommended during stable periods of illness,Timely calcium supplementation to prevent osteoporosis
The importance of rehabilitation training The main directions of rehabilitation training Implementation of rehabilitation training plan
Standing like a pine tree, sitting like a bell, lying like a bow, and walking like the wind are the wise sayings of ancient people about etiquette and appearance.
How can patients with ankylosing spondylitis alleviate pain in the face of this irreversible disease?
Hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and hyperglycemia are the familiar "three highs" and also the three major killers of health. But while we are still struggling with the three highs, the fourth high has q
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