Alias Chengqie, Bichengqie, Biqie, Shanpepper, Chilizi, Shancangzi, Mujiangzi, Stinky Camphor.
Alias Bai Shi, Bai Zi, Bian Bai Zi, Bai Ren.
Alias Stir fried Fructus Aurantii and Goose Eye Fructus Aurantii.
Alias Dried tangerine peel, aged tangerine peel, orange peel, red peel, and dried tangerine peel.
Alias Jin Litchi, Lai Grape, Red Maiden, Cold Melon.
Alias Green orange peel, green orange peel.
Nicknames:Dixun, Maohu (from the Classic), Shancai, Rucao (from the Wupu Classic), Chaicao (from the Pin Hui Jing Yao).
Alias Sour spine, vinegar willow fruit, sour yo, dar, sand jujube.
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