Jingjie Nicknames: Shepherds purse and Artemisia scoparia
Antibacterial effect, Anti shock effect,Antipyretic and analgesic effects
Famous Doctors Record: The main cause of cholera is abdominal pain, vomiting, and scattered edema.
"The Treatise on Medicinal Properties": Treating cough, adverse wind, and excessive wind. Hand and foot cramps, soothe the five organs and six viscera, add courage, remove skin, rheumatism and itching
Compendium of Materia Medica: Nasal Abyss, Nasal Allergy, Nasal Suffering, Nasal Ulcers, and Postacne Nasal Ulcers. The Xin Wen of Xinyi can help clear Yang in the stomach and ascend to the head, thus
Aliases Soybean rolls, yellow rolls, soybean rolls, rolled stems, and bean stems.
Aliases Zhuling, Leishi, Zhulingzhi, Mulianzi, Baileiwan.
Aliases Sea root vegetables, deer antler tips, Artemisia annua, seaweed vegetables, black cabbage, seaweed flowers. 2. Plant morphology
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