Aliases Qingyang Ginseng, White Stone Ginseng, Poisonous Dog Medicine, Lotus Root, Xiaobaicao, Baiyao, Baiqi, Qingyang Ginseng, Naughty Dog Medicine, Oxtail Ginseng, Oxtail Seven.
aliases: Longsha, Gougu, Beixiang, Beiyan
Ancient records: small abdominal pain, diarrhea, nocturnal emission, impotence, yin pain, yin stiffness, yin itching, difficulty urinating, urinary incontinence, decadent hernia, female hernia, dizzin
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Guizhi Jia Ge Gen Tang for the treatment of cervical spondylosis Treating cervical spondylosis with scorpions, centipedes, etc Treatment of cervical spondylosis with kudzu root, danshen, etc
Aliases Perilla stem, Perilla stem, Perilla stem, Perilla grass, Perilla branch stem.
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