Reduce the intake of saturated fat and trans fat, Moderate intake of protein,Control carbohydrate intake
Alias Maoju Red, Orange Red, Guangqi Claw, Huazhou Orange Red, Teak Peel Orange Red, Pomelo Orange Red, Xinghua Red.
alias Lentils, mung beans, southern mung beans, moth eyebrow beans, and eyebrow beans.
Alias Lishi, Malianzi, Malianzi, Lishi.
Alias Wooden crab, civil engineering turtle, shell wood turtle, leaking lingzi, and ground paulownia.
Alias Shanli Hongguo, Rat Zha, Liangmei, North Hawthorn.
Indications: Lumbar and spinal pain, abdominal fullness, edema, difficulty urinating, leg and foot spasms, lower limb spasms, gastrocnemius muscle spasms, etc.
Positioning: Between the little finger and the ring finger metacarpal bone, one inch away from the transverse line of the metacarpal finger is the hand opening point, and the upper five points of one
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