Formaldehyde is colorless and has a pungent odor. In 2004, it was recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a class of carcinogens that can damage the respiratory system. It is one of the w
20 minutes in the park is a popular psychological therapy this year: sitting on a park bench, blowing the wind, and reading a book can temporarily forget the fatigue of life.
Alias Flat cypress leaves, clump cypress leaves, and cypress leaves.
Alias Hu Chen Ye, milk cotyledons, Pu Chen Ye.
Alias Buddhas Hand, Buddhas Hand Fruit, Five Finger Citrus, Buddhas Hand Citrus, and Miluo Citrus.
Alias Mountain almond, almond, apricot kernel, apricot seed, wood drop seed, apricot plum kernel.
Alias Bulbasaur, hollow hemp seeds, millstone tree seeds, and winter sunflower seeds.
Indications: Constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain, fatigue, weakness, oral ulcers, menstrual disorders, abdominal distension, bowel sounds, red and white dysentery
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