Alias Silver Hu, Silver Xia Chaihu, Cow Belly Root, Sand Ginseng, White Root.
Alias Thick skin, heavy skin, red bark, oil bark, Sichuan bark, purple oil bark.
Alias Night bark, night bark, and acacia bark.
3: Lower abdominal area, gynecology, acute abdomen: gynecological inflammation, vaginal discharge, lower abdominal distension and pain, cystitis, frequent urination, urgency, pain during urination, ch
Indications: Lower back and lower limb diseases such as lumbosacral pain, lower limb paralysis, constipation, hemorrhoids, sciatica, vaginal pain, and sequelae of cerebrovascular disease; Diseases of
Indications: The Spleen Shu acupoint is used to treat diseases of the spleen and stomach. Such as vomiting, choking on the diaphragm, stomach pain, chest and rib distension, jaundice and edema, lack o
Indications: Strong and urgent spinal pain, lower back pain, stomach pain, epilepsy, convulsions, lower back neuralgia, gastric spasms, gastritis, hysteria.
Big or Small Flying to Treat Infant EczemaHalf Wu Bai Tang for treating infantile eczema Cabbage and other treatments for infantile eczema
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