Aliases Water Wengzi, Water Yonghua, Water Banyan Flower, and Big Snake Medicine.
Aliases Su Ye, seaweed, Su.
Aliases Dragon Tongue, Fire Palm, Immortal Palm, Phoenix tailed Bougainvillea, Pinglu Grass, Old Crow Tongue, Immortal Palm, Guanyin Palm, Guanyin Sting, Overlord Tree, Thorny Palm, Fanhua, Kirin Flow
Firstly, accurately locate the position of the Yin Ling Quan acupoint, then gently press the depression of the acupoint with the fingertips of the thumb, and massage with a touch.
Indications: Yellow eyes, headache, chills, flank pain, shoulder and arm pain, shoulder and arm weakness, upper limb weakness, shoulder and arm pain, muscle spasms in the scapula and forearm, axillary
Lycium barbarum and Gynostemma pentaphyllum chicken soup has the effect of tonifying liver and kidney, improving eyesight, three high blood levels, and nourishing blood and beauty. Lycium barbarum in
Legend has it that during the Liao and Jin dynasties, the most famous Empress Dowager Xiao often brewed and drank golden lotus flowers, resulting in fair skin and youthful beauty even after middle age
Spleen deficiency refers to a series of pathological phenomena and symptoms of spleen physiological dysfunction caused by spleen qi deficiency. This includes syndrome types such as spleen qi deficienc
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