Indications: Severe headache, tinnitus, toothache, jaw swelling, nasal swelling and pain, thirst. Facial nerve paralysis, facial nerve spasm, oral rhinitis, nasal congestion, nosebleeds, nasal polyps,
Indications: Migraine, Frontal neuralgia, Vascular headache, Schizophrenia, Facial nerve paralysis; Sequelae of stroke, hypertension; Conjunctivitis, decreased vision, etc.
07 Use wild grape leaves for moxibustion and scalding to eliminate corns
Formula 11: One black chicken, clean and cut into pieces, put into a large porcelain bowl, add ginger slices, salt, yellow wine, and 400ml of water, cover well, steam until crispy, add monosodium glut
Mint and Bai Zhi Soupluffa stem recipe Danggui Corn SmokeGarlic Formula
Tiger Cane WineAnti swelling and Pain Relief Cream Bone Treatment Tincture Bone Treatment Soup
Alias Honey fragrance, Qingmu fragrance, Wuxiang, Wumu fragrance, Nanmu fragrance, Guangmu fragrance.
Alias Golden Key, Wood Incense, Green Vine Root, Green Sandalwood.
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