The Quanzhou Materia Medica records that Chuan Xin Lian: "Clearing heat and detoxifying, anti-inflammatory and swelling reducing. It can treat throat inflammation, dysentery, and high fever." The effi
No matter what kind of fire, it can quickly subside in front of it. So ancient people said it was a commonly used formula for fever.
If there are symptoms such as red eyes, red eyes, dry throat, hot nose, dry mouth, bad breath, rotten corners of the mouth, nosebleeds, toothache, etc., traditional Chinese medicine believes that it i
First, let me analyze why more and more people are suffering from kidney stones? Thats because excessive protein intake in the human body can lead to an increase in components such as oxalic acid, uri
The body is undergoing changes, aging, and occasional discomfort due to external influences. At this time, we can add some seasoning when drinking water in our daily lives, without the hassle of doing
For patients with diabetes, wolfberry tea is the "king of natural hypoglycemia". Drinking a cup every day for a week can stabilize blood sugar, correct pancreatic islets and avoid complications of dia
Harmony and digestion, invigorating the spleen and appetizing. It belongs to the category of disinfectant.
Ginger pairing method: Drinking a glass on an empty stomach every morning after waking up can effectively relieve constipation and gradually eliminate bloating. Develop a lean physique.
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