Many people know that the Bladder Meridian is the largest detoxification channel in our body, constantly transmitting toxins, such as bowel movements in the large intestine, sweating in the pores, dam
Hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and hyperglycemia are the familiar "three highs" and also the three major killers of health. But while we are still struggling with the three highs, the fourth high has q
Famous Doctors Record: The main cause of cholera is abdominal pain, vomiting, and scattered edema.
Cang Er Zi dispels wind and dampness, unblocks the orifices and relieves pain
"The Treatise on Medicinal Properties": Treating cough, adverse wind, and excessive wind. Hand and foot cramps, soothe the five organs and six viscera, add courage, remove skin, rheumatism and itching
Traditional Chinese medicine also believes that negative emotions can affect the livers regulatory function, which in turn can affect the spleen and stomach. It can be seen that learning to laugh is t
Mix powder and put it in a cloth bag, wipe it wherever it itches! Indications: Skin itching.
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