Zexie has a sweet taste and a cold nature. Entering the kidney and bladder meridians, it can facilitate urination, clear dampness and heat, and is used for poor urination, edema and fullness, diarrhea
Caoguo is a traditional Chinese medicine derived from the dried and mature fruit of the ginger plant Caoguo.
The liver has always been low-key and often remains silent when injured. This also leads to once liver problems are detected, it is often a serious illness, even liver cancer!
When it comes to dandelion, everyone is very familiar with it. It is a herbaceous plant with the same medicinal and edible properties, which can be made into delicious food and also used as medicine.
odern medicine has found that taking a nap during the afternoon can not only relieve fatigue, restore energy and physical strength, but also help protect the brain and reduce the risk of cardiovascula
To answer this question, it is first necessary to understand the structure of the human lumbar spine.
White cardamom is the fruit of the ginger plant white cardamom. Spicy in taste, warm in nature, enters the lungs, spleen, and stomach meridians, and has the effects of dispelling dampness and promotin
In the book "Su Wen · Xuan Ming Wu Qi", it is mentioned that "Wu Lao is injured by prolonged vision, prolonged lying, prolonged sitting, prolonged standing, and prolonged walking."
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