Nicknames: Yesterday Leaf Lotus Grass, House Rootless Grass, Towards Heaven Grass, Tile Flower, Stone Lotus Flower, Cuolian Lotus, Dry Dripping Drop, Cat Head Grass, Vata, Tianpeng Grass, Tile Frost,
Yuanqi drink has the effects of nourishing qi and spleen, supplementing body energy, and improving immunity. Huangqi in tea drinks is good at nourishing qi and promoting yang, benefiting the body and
Shiquan Dabu Decoction is a famous Chinese medicine Tonic Diet. It comes from the Good Medicine Food and is a tonic Tonic Diet formula. It has the effect of warming and replenishing qi and blood.
Hawthorn, plum, tangerine peel tea has the effects and functions of supplementing nutrients, promoting digestion, assisting in improving constipation, assisting in reducing cholesterol, and assisting
Yangshen Tang is suitable for people with body deficiency and blood deficiency, liver and kidney deficiency, and spleen and stomach dysfunction. It is beneficial for the kidney to nourish yin, strengt
Runfei Huatan tea has the effects of clearing the lungs, relieving cough, dispelling phlegm, and resolving phlegm. Can clear heat and moisten the lungs, reduce phlegm and cough.
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