Firstly, accurately locate the position of the Yin Ling Quan acupoint, then gently press the depression of the acupoint with the fingertips of the thumb, and massage with a touch.
Indications: Yellow eyes, headache, chills, flank pain, shoulder and arm pain, shoulder and arm weakness, upper limb weakness, shoulder and arm pain, muscle spasms in the scapula and forearm, axillary
Lycium barbarum and Gynostemma pentaphyllum chicken soup has the effect of tonifying liver and kidney, improving eyesight, three high blood levels, and nourishing blood and beauty. Lycium barbarum in
Legend has it that during the Liao and Jin dynasties, the most famous Empress Dowager Xiao often brewed and drank golden lotus flowers, resulting in fair skin and youthful beauty even after middle age
Meridian return: Hand Yangming Large Intestine Meridian Positioning: Slightly clench the fist, on the radial side of the index finger, at the depression behind the second metacarpophalangeal joint, wh
The so-called diabetes is similar to modern diabetes. The prescription of Yuye Decoction is mainly used for diabetes caused by deficiency of vital energy, deficiency of both spleen and kidney, yin def
Tiaogan Tongmai tea has the effect of soothing the liver, regulating qi, and removing blood stasis, which is very suitable; People with liver qi stagnation, chest tightness and short breath, bloating
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