acupoint,Traditional Chinese Medicine,treatment,sub-health,Health Network,cookbook,Traditional Chinese Medicine Network,folk prescription,Health,disease,health preserving,dietary therapy,Supplements,
It can calm the mind, regulate qi and relieve pain, and has a certain relieving effect on gastrointestinal symptoms such as stomach pain, vomiting, and hiccup.
It has a good therapeutic effect on gastrointestinal problems such as indigestion and indigestion. Can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and enhance digestive function.
Modern research has shown that Danshen has various pharmacological effects, such as anticoagulant, antithrombotic, microcirculation improvement, blood rheology improvement, anti myocardial ischemia, a
Hypoglycemic tea has good health benefits for people with high blood sugar and uric acid levels. Regular consumption can enhance immunity, clear heat and nourish the kidneys, promote the elimination
A good environment can promote the development of children s brains, therefore, it is important to enable them to recognize the external environment as early as possible.
Whether it s for health preservation or repairing life, we must follow the natural laws of the human body and restore it to its natural state. This is the best state.