Heat clearing and detoxifying tea drinks have the effects of assisting in clearing heat, regulating qi and dampness, regulating human gastrointestinal function, helping to eliminate toxic substances i
As a traditional Chinese medicine dietary tea formula, Hongyugua Qushi Drink has good effects in preventing and treating leg swelling, thrombosis, and improving blood circulation. Helps alleviate leg
Indications: Strong pain in the lumbar spine, intestinal and abdominal pain, incomplete ossification, diarrhea, spasms in the lower back nerves, gastrointestinal neuralgia, gastric prolapse, enteritis
Niu Dali Black Bean Pig Kidney Soup has good effects on calming the liver, activating collaterals, moistening the lungs, and tonifying the kidneys. It is a popular Tonic Diet for tonifying deficiency
Tea drinks for dispelling dampness and nourishing skin have the effect of dispelling dampness and nourishing skin. Suitable for improving symptoms such as dizziness, fatigue, insomnia, lack of appetit
Ancient records: small abdominal pain, diarrhea, nocturnal emission, impotence, yin pain, yin stiffness, yin itching, difficulty urinating, urinary incontinence, decadent hernia, female hernia, dizzin
Wuzhi Mao Tao Fu Ling Chen Pi Bao Long Gu Tang is a nutritious soup that Cantonese people like to cook. It has the effects of strengthening the spleen, tonifying the lungs, diuresis, dispelling dampne
Qingshu Yiqi Tea has the effects of clearing heat and tonifying qi, relieving restlessness and thirst, tonifying qi and elevating yang, and strengthening the stomach and exterior. Suitable for people
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