The health benefits of deer antler soup are very high, and it is very suitable for people with yang deficiency, fear of cold, soreness and weakness in the waist and knees to take. The soup is rich in
Butterfly flower tea has the effects of clearing heat, detoxifying, and reducing swelling in the throat. It is suitable for people with acute and chronic pharyngitis, sore throat, hoarseness, and coug
Anshen Tang has the effects of nourishing the heart and mind, nourishing qi and blood, tonifying spleen and stomach, moistening intestines and promoting bowel movements, and supplementing nutrition. I
The Du meridian is an important meridian on the human spine, which regulates the Yang meridian throughout the body and has the function of regulating the Qi and blood of the Yang meridian, hence it is
Lipid lowering and weight loss tea can promote metabolism and improve gastrointestinal function, detoxify and clear the intestines, help detoxify and clean the intestines, and eliminate excess toxins
Ba Ji Du Zhang Long Gu Tang has the effects of dispelling wind, removing dampness, nourishing kidney and yang, as well as strengthening waist and kidneys, strengthening muscles and bones, improving ov
Erzi Chrysanthemum Tea has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying. Er Zi Chrysanthemum contains abundant flavonoids and caffeine compounds, which can clear heat and detoxify, resist bacteria and
Sha Shen Yu Zhu Lao Ge Tang has the functions of nourishing yin and qi, clearing heat and detoxifying, moistening and nourishing the lungs, generating fluids and moistening dryness.
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