This acupoint is located on the back of the middle finger against the nail, as far apart as a leek leaf. If your child is in a hurry and panicked to death, take the two acupoints of the elf Weining. I
Stewed Sea Cucumber with Ginseng, Dendrobium, and Sea Cucumber has the effects of nourishing the kidneys and blood, nourishing yang and dryness, regulating menstruation and nourishing the fetus, nouri
The constant stimulation of hot and cold entering and exiting air-conditioned rooms can cause an increase in blood pressure, and in severe cases, can lead to stroke or myocardial infarction. So in sum
Aliases Pepper, spicy eggplant, spicy tiger, preserved eggplant, sea pepper, spicy seed, and big pepper.
quench thirst Prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases Stone excretion and diuresis Resist respiratory diseases
Potassium is a key mineral in the human body that participates in regulating the contraction and relaxation of heart muscles, helping to maintain normal heart rhythm and blood pressure. It is also the
In traditional Chinese medicine, the meridian of the heart originates from the Jiquan acupoint under the armpit, runs along the arm, passes through the elbow socket, and reaches the inner side of the
Abnormal renal drainage and eye edema Kidney deficiency with excessive fire and blackened complexion Kidney and spleen are stimulated, and the nose turns red
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