People over 50 are most afraid of having poor blood vessels, so they are determined to change their daily diet in order to drive away the "number one garbage" in their blood vessels - cholesterol!
In traditional Chinese medicine theory, the lungs are one of the important organs in the human body, responsible for regulating the movement of qi throughout the body.
Do you often wake up from dreaming at night and sweat profusely? The next day, I woke up feeling as if I hadnt rested well, lacked energy, and my memory had deteriorated.
Boiled Tofu with Red and White Sugar Corn whisker orange peel water Radish and Pig Lung Soup Lily eggs
Dont do 4 things with high blood sugar, eat 3 things and drink 3 water regularly, blood sugar is stable, and blood vessels will be healthier!
Traditional Chinese medicine believes that loquat has the effects of moistening the lungs, resolving phlegm, and relieving cough. It can play a good role in regulating symptoms such as lung heat, coug
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